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Date Posted: 06:05:56 07/02/02 Tue
Author: Katie
Subject: I wait...

N e r o
.Of Mustang Heritage.
..Seen 19 seasons..

Who am I
But Me
To say that
Should be afraid?
Because as it goes..
You shouldn't be.
Not yet.
It is not like I'm
The far shooter
Prince of Thieves
King of crooks
I am in fact
So the princess?
The queen?
Ah yes...I see that in
The future forecast.

...The day was so torrid that birds, beyond the boundaries of bad dreams, preferred the bowers of the trees to the sun-scorched open spaces of the sky ; they sat silently in their leafy shelters, chirruping rarely and without enthusiam. The sun was a white ball, and the light it shed was as white and bitter as powdered lime. Like a brush of flame, is slanted threw the green spires, slathering bands of copper-gold fire on the buckskin figurine. Wench was not pretty. Mustang blood had made her bulked, almost blocky, with hindquaters that rippled with muscles that twitched with spasmatic clarity, and gave the feminine short, stocky legs, with hard talons at the blunt end....

I wander out where you can't see

...And, as if this wasn't enough, pink scars, startling showed agianst the soft dirtcolored background, marred the hide and kept it from anything than a "virgin" look, unbeautifying the waif further. Now now, this is not said to discourage. In fact, the brood would be a good addition to a harem, bulky build quivering with relaxed muscles and sinew. Boxy looking cranium, however, was arched hellbound at something pesky, oo, biting upon crest, neck tossed into a 'v'ed shape as enamel nibblets at the mudcaked hairs, spittle working into it. Oh, what a makeover. Dry saliva kept the flyaway hairs in punkish position, clotting the brownish dreds into giant mud balls. Dirt + wetness..what did you expect? Weight was shifted, mass tossed to the right, whiskered mug dropping from hide to the bladed floor. If you must pass the time, then why not do it whilst getting fat? Surely no one would protest. Surely...

....Vibrations in a wire.
Ice crystals
in a beating heart.
Cold fire.

A mind's frigidity:
frozen steel,
dark rage, morbidity.
Cold fire.

Defense agianst
a cruel life
Death and strife:
Cold fire....

(ooc-My name is Katie. AIM=RadoactiveMonkey)

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