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Subject: Withe blue crayon, she draws fine lines over the paper, Haley's features beginning to show through...

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Date Posted: 20:56:27 12/29/01 Sat
In reply to: Tim 's message, "Everything comes back." on 20:43:00 12/29/01 Sat

Haley continues to draw with an orange crayon, a demented tiger. Rox hold in a laugh at what the picture looks like, and concentrates on her drawing. This was sort of a still life portrait....except the still life was moving. She draws and shades in the loose curls, making the hair look like it was shining. All this with a simple crayon. She grabs a darker blue, shading in the darker areas, and then a lighter blue for the skin, then combines the three shades on the lips for a glossy look. She smiles at her finished work, grabbing a black crayon, signing her name and the date in the lower right hand corner. She lays it on the table for Haley to see. The little girl looks at it, then at her mom. She smiles and picks it up, fingering it with small, but long fingers. She puts it on the table again, walking over and sitting in Rox's lap. Rox kisses her forehead, watching over her shoulder, as she tries to copy the picture. Just how I learned...

Muffles screams fill her head in Tim's voice, she tries to block them out, to get back to her dream, but teh blackness was closing it, the yells getting louder. Her eyes snap open and she jumps up, eyes wide as she turns and looks at Tim...

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Tears stream down his face.Tim21:02:08 12/29/01 Sat

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