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Subject: *Lopes along next to the horse, keeping close taps on Tabby*

Midnight Prophecy
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Date Posted: 05:40:27 02/25/02 Mon
In reply to: Tabby 's message, "*Snaps her reigns on her neck softly* As fast as you can Breezie girl!" on 19:03:39 02/24/02 Sun

*Howls long and hard and her paws skip a beat in the rythmic motions. Her heart beat is normal but her paws are moving so swift, so fast. She leaves the side of the horse and lopes into the underbrush. She follows along with them there, in a more suitable enviroment for her paws to grind upon. Her ears lay flat on her head and her eyes shine with pleasure at this. Tabby didn't even know who she was, but what she didn't know wouldn't hurt her, would it? This question does not bother her for now, and she continues to follow Tabby and the horse. As the horse slows to a canter, Midnight slows to a quick trot, keeping one step ahead of the horse without knowing it. She slows enough for the horse to get ahead, then, at the slow trot she was at, catches up to her shoulder and stays there, leaving the brush. She nips her heels playfully once, then sensing Tabby's gaze stops right away. She stops for a small drink and races away to catch up to Tabby and Breezie*

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|*|Howl|*|Twilight Missionary14:33:30 02/25/02 Mon

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