Subject: To never be alone |
Harly M
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Date Posted: 22:12:13 04/06/03 Sun
I was so happy and now am so sad.
I was brought up, but then let down.
I thought someone cared, but I guess in away-
I screwed that up and it just ain't fair.
I don't know what I did. All I ever did was give.
I gave my life up for hers and so much more.
She took my emotions and ran away,
locked them up, and closed the door.
Pushed aside, never loved, lied to, and then ignored-
I sit in the corner now knowing, thier could have been so much more.
Do I have a fate? Is their such a thing? For that I'll never know.
All I asked for was a long warm hug, to show she cared, and nothing more.
I sit and wait and sometimes search-
For the person that will give me true love.
A person, a friend, a girl in need,
Someone that can't live alone.
I know they will come to me, and I'll be there for them,
Some day when we both give up hope,
We will find each other somehow, someway,
And I'll never again, be alone.
almost all of my poems are like this but they are true and they all are my emotions.
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