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Subject: Feelings Of A Girl

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Date Posted: 11:24:09 06/17/03 Tue

Although she is confused
So much of the time,
She guesses She'll have to deal
And always try to climb

The decisions that are put
Upon this girl are hard
She always has to play
No matter what the card.

An ace, a ten, a king
Or even a single Jack
Sometimes there's so many
It's hard to just keep track

The thoughts in her head
Are jumbled up like heck
Sometimes she feels like going back
Or shuffling up the deck

She doesn't want to cope
With all that comes her way
But the cards she gets are tough
And she continues the play

The others always seem to win
And she is stuck in back
Losing seems to be her streak
And winning her be her lack

This card game is rough
There's no kidding that
The mouse tried to hide
But ran into the cat

The girl's friends worry
And she worries too
For if she doesn't feel better
No one knows what she might do.

Suicide was a thought
But that was soon erased
As the troubles, she realized
Soon had to be faced

These worries couldn't be placed
Here in only her heart
They had to be shared
And worked out from the start

So she seeked the advice
Of some of her friends
Which seems to be right
Or so she pretends

This girl doesn't know now
Right from wrong
She's been muddled so much
She has to be strong

Which is the wrong way?
Which is the right?
She ponders this
As she cries late at night

The ones she loves
Seem to be the most hurt
What has made it this way?
The words she has blurt?

Yet she goes through life
Acting as if nothing is wrong
Or so it seems to most
Until she cries again to a song

A song that describes
Just what she feels
She is so broken up
She even skips meals

What can she do?
Should she go it alone?
Work with someone?
To her, it's unknown

She has been hurt
Once again today
Something happened
That made her emotions sway

Left to right,
Up to Down,
No talking now
But hide that frown

One thing then another
A feeling of love then of detest
She looks at friends
And slightly feels blessed

She gives up at last
Forever to be silent
It hurts her to talk
She will not be violent

The girl sits in pain
Her heart flat on the floor
She'll hide it now
All shoved in a drawer

The ceiling comes down
The walls close in
The floors begin to rise
All crackles within

So goodbye for now
She is troubled so
But it seems to have changed
Or so the story goes...

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