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Subject: Feelings of The Heart

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Date Posted: 11:31:26 06/17/03 Tue

It is over,
It is done
That's what it seemed
To almost everyone

But I am not a statistic,
At least I don't want to be
I am not everyone
I am me.

I know it isn't over
At least not in my brown eyes
I still love this person
So let's cut this down to size...

I still love him much
And hope he loves me too
I am so confused
And lately, I've been blue

I miss his sweet smile
And the look he had in his eyes
Everytime he looked toward me
My heart could reach the skies

I don't know if I should've changed things
From the way I did them first
I look in those eyes now
And see not love, but thirst

A thirst for what I took
Or maybe I am wrong
I feel so bad
And don't know where I belong

At this moment I wonder,
Just of what he thinks
Of me, of him, of us
I really miss his winks.

I am so dazed about everything
Of water, earth, and sky
I don't know when I'm truthful
Or if I tell a lie.

Am I fooling myself?
Or fooling him?
Am I a liar?
Does my hair need a trim?

The whole world is spinning
And so now I see
That person who I miss
Is someone meant to be

I miss him as a friend
I miss him as so much more
I miss the way he talked
And the way he opened the door.

No, it's not about kisses,
Not just all about hugs
It's about someone I may have lost
Someone who never bugs

But God made it as it is
And I ponder what is right
"What is wrong?" I ask you
And, "Just how do I win this fight?"

So to cut right down
To the chase,
I miss him,
I miss his face.

He is my friend
My single "love"
And if I don't see him now
I will up above.

He is the sweetest
The greatest guy
I hope he's well
And for now, I'll have to say goodbye.

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Subject Author Date
Re: Feelings of The Heartkathryn14:27:05 06/22/03 Sun
Re: Feelings of The HeartHarly M18:39:50 06/24/03 Tue

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