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Subject: Stages

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Date Posted: 16:00:42 11/01/05 Tue

I am going on fifteen
and my dreams have certainly changed
the black horse I always wanted was
traded in for a black convertible
with the top down
how come I have to come inside
from playing
what if the morning
never comes
and my neighbor and I
are in the back yard playing baseball.

I need to learn how to put on
makeup before I start fifth grade
my puppy-dog room is much to childish
suppose people won’t notice me again
they pass me by as if I was invisible
I can fit in this time
I wish I had homework like my sister
and now have ten problems for math
I am beginning to question how smart I am
and my neighbor and I
are in the back yard playing baseball.

Nobody cares that I am
trying to grow up
my neighbor asks why I have become
such a girl but I tell him I can still beat him up
why didn’t I get my
ears pierced
and settle for clip-on
I ran out of cherry red nail polish.
will I always be going
through these stages
and my neighbor and I
are in the back yard playing baseball.

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