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Date Posted: 07:45:38 10/28/02 Mon
Author: Chas
Subject: She was silent for a moment as she grabbed a bag, tossing in every disney movie she had and anything else suitable for a toddler. "I'll be over in two minutes, don't put anything in the vcr." She paused for a second,grabbing a coloring book and crayons and tossing it in also. "Has she eaten yet? Want me to pick up a kids meal or something?"
In reply to: Diallo 's message, "(He was on his cell phone, pacing the floor of his new apartment, the deafening sound of screaming in the background. The 3 year old was wailing in the other room and he was going to kill himself. He had dialed her number, and now he waited.)" on 07:26:47 10/28/02 Mon

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  • (He grinned, the Pulp Fiction thing was a good one.. he got her pretty easily.) She wont eat anything I give her. .(He said, eyeing her as she toddled out in her pink dress, a doll dragging behind her, her fist rubbing her eye.) (NT) -- Diallo, 07:50:25 10/28/02 Mon

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