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Find your SoulBound.
Here lies an endless green field, with dense forests on the edges for those who want *privacy.* It is always warm and sunny, with a gentle breeze. This is where Mistykals young and old come to find the one they were destined to be SoulBound. How you work out competitions over a Mistykal is up to you, although I recommend that you let the Mistykal in question decide.
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Subject Author Date
Free Download Command And Conquer Generalsquytfei13:07:42 01/23/14 Thu
Plantronics PL-84321-01 Voyager 510 Spare Headsetsteve03:49:55 05/11/12 Fri
ION Audio ICT04RS 2 Packs Replacement Stylus Needlessteve02:59:46 03/20/12 Tue
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Electronics Storesteve austen06:00:42 07/18/11 Mon
Plantronics Voyager 510steve austen08:19:27 04/15/11 Fri
Ion Tape2pc USB Cassette Decksteve austen07:01:31 02/08/11 Tue
Vtech 2.4 Ghz Cordless Phonesstevea austen10:08:59 02/04/11 Fri
Kaiya leans against a tree,her staff gripped so tight her knuckles are white...Kaiya15:52:35 05/23/02 Thu
*she walks around*Nakita21:47:54 03/16/02 Sat
*She climbs a tree nearby*Rikku17:29:00 03/25/02 Mon
Kanuro watches from the edge of the forest.Tinikanuro18:59:35 03/16/02 Sat
*She looks around*Angel14:14:52 01/26/02 Sat
Cinae wanders inCinae15:05:31 01/28/02 Mon
Arwen sits in the tall grass plucking the petals off a daisy*Arwen19:30:10 03/20/02 Wed
"*A female Kyktri walks alone in a beautiful forest*"Ellywn12:53:28 04/02/02 Tue
*She leans against a tree partially sleeping partially drawing*Oscie10:46:27 03/30/02 Sat
Dalvenjah sits in a tree,unseen because of the leavesDalvenjah18:24:03 03/25/02 Mon
Drakonyko swoops and lands, changing swiftly from white to black.Drakonyko18:52:45 03/23/02 Sat
*Shayleigh sits, waiting, on a rock, head in hands*Shayleigh17:20:38 03/20/02 Wed
She stands in the shadowsCinae09:10:20 03/22/02 Fri
*A female Kyktri walks alone is a beautiful forest*Ellywn16:58:19 03/20/02 Wed
±Wanders around±Glanduin17:27:52 01/31/02 Thu
~:walks in:~K'naii10:55:45 03/17/02 Sun
<looks around for a female Kyktri>Kyrols10:53:35 03/15/02 Fri
Masamu (male, Kyktri) entersMasamu13:31:35 02/10/02 Sun
*she wanders around looking for a bonded*Faye Valentine23:25:53 02/15/02 Fri
Cianevar sits on a rock,holding her crystal in her hands.Cianevar15:47:14 02/12/02 Tue

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