WingSong, Chopper, and Winters' Lair
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Windsong and Chopper's Lair

*A lioness comes up to you, she then sprouts wings becomes a leopard with wings. *"Welcome to my lair." *You see a puppy with wings playing that the waterfall. *"That's my son, Chopper." *Another leopard jumps out by Chopper. *And starts to play with him. * The male sees you and pads over. "Hello...welcome." *Smies and pads back to Chopper and starts to play again.*

Winter's Cold Fire(Winter)[Male]

Winter and Song are mates!
To contact Windsong; e-mail: or filly51190(AIM)
  • To contact Winter; E-mail: or at Lilmage124(AIM)
  • To contact Chopper; E-Mail:? or ?

  • Subject Author Date
    Uniden 5.8 Ghz Cordless Phonespeter jerry10:39:24 02/09/11 Wed
    they are carried inthings15:50:23 05/01/02 Wed
    Chopper IS active. Well, now. (NT)Chopper's Playa15:09:45 04/23/02 Tue
    Mommy?Sunny20:50:19 01/28/02 Mon
    ...-The male walks around-... (NT)Winter17:22:52 02/12/02 Tue
    she looks around for Winter. (NT)Song14:12:48 01/09/02 Wed
    ChopperSong18:58:07 01/19/02 Sat
    she looks around for Winter. (NT)Song14:11:22 01/09/02 Wed
    Chopper smiles and walks around the lair.*I wike dis pwace!* (NT)Chopper12:13:32 01/04/02 Fri
    welcome 2 my lair*a big cat comes up to u* (NT)Windsong14:23:02 01/02/02 Wed

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