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Date Posted: 11:33:34 02/22/02 Fri
Author: Grace
Subject: Re: Walks in
In reply to: Grace 's message, "Re: Walks in" on 09:48:55 02/21/02 Thu

She sighs and watches Crow out in the distance, who keeps a steady eye on the sun. "Another enemy gained..." she mutters to herself, then decides maybe it'd be better to apologize.
"Crow? You there?" she calls out, but no one answers. "Crow?!"
A large Raven lands on her shoulder at glares a amulet hanging by her neck. She scowls and shoos it away, but it steals the amulet in it's beak and beats its wings. Furious, she grabs at the wings and holds them tightly. "Give it back!" she says angrily. The Raven looks at her and another one slams into the back of her head.
"Ouch!" she says as she takes a small dagger and drives it into the Raven that attacked her. The warrior turns to the bird still perched lightly on her shoulder. "Who sent you?!" she asks harshly, not expecting it to reply, but wanting to say so anyway.
"You know..." the raven says in a gravelly voice. Grace's eye widen and she places her dagger directly under the bird's throat.
Digging the knife slightly into the raven, she says in a menacing voice, "Tell him that I will not be swayed to join that stupid cult-army of his. I refuse! And nothing he can say or do will make me!" The raven laughs.
"He wishes you to command."
"And I wish him to leave me alone! I care nothing for power, you idiots. Fighting for the Dark World is stupid, and you all know it! I don't care if he's the most powerful leader in the Dark World! I will not take part in this madness!"
The raven laughs again and returns her amulet. "I will tell my master that the outlook is good for him. Good day, War Chief."
"You shall do no such thing," she snaps, putting the amulet back on and looking around to make sure no one had heard her being addressed as that. "Give him my worst regards." The raven nods and flies off. She sits down on a rock again and sighs in desperation.

"What was that all about?" Crow asks, flying near Grace and landing on her shoulder. She shakes her head and looks away. "Now, come on. More secrets to be kept from me?" She nods. "All right, fine. Be like that."
She gets up. "We're going back to the Temple," she says determinedly.

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