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What God says about it ends the matter.
Welcome to "God-said-it.com." My approach to bible study is a simple one - "How should God have said it for us to understand it that way?" "How did God say it?" "What do we understand from what was said?"

Subject Author Date
Gospel to AbrahamTheo Book05:03:45 07/01/02 Mon

'J' ever notice....?Theo Book08:02:53 03/30/08 Sun

"Begotten" When?Theo Book08:46:01 03/30/08 Sun

Papal SuccessionTheo Book08:49:14 03/30/08 Sun

Is Jesus The Logos Of John 1:1?Theo Book08:53:04 03/30/08 Sun

"Logos" and Bible StudyTheo Book08:56:13 03/30/08 Sun

Divorce & RemarriageTheo Book16:51:41 04/20/08 Sun

Divorce & RemarriageTheo Book16:52:49 04/20/08 Sun

Satan's AggendaTheo Book12:11:05 02/01/09 Sun

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Kindness Boomerang One Daynedataami11:42:42 03/18/14 Tue

How Animals Think (Animal Behavior Revealed)melosjany02:17:00 03/21/14 Fri

Deletions: Webster's Quotations, Facts And Phrasesmelosjany02:18:09 03/21/14 Fri

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