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Date Posted: 10:02:05 12/06/02 Fri
Author: Kain-Lunimae
Subject: ~!@#$%^&*()_+
In reply to: Zane||Lome 's message, "...Watched..." on 20:50:25 12/05/02 Thu

[Aye...that happens.]

Kain crosses her arms, eye impassive at the boy's weak little smile. Tapping claws on one steel-backed bracer, ears against her head and body tense with annoyance and wariness, the tall woman is a bit upset at having someone-- and a petty child at that-- interrupt her thoughts. Giving a last, careful glance to Zane and Lome, the Sentinel's Gaze flickers into her eyes and causes her cloaked back to arch in a rush of deadly power. Getting the grim ability into control, the guardian casts the foreboding visge across the land. Life marks all...for no unsquallable desire to kill fills the entity's soul and essense. Blinking away the black and white taint in both eyes, the left snapping shut, Kain turns and slowly stalks back up the jagged peaks, flowing like a wave of death. And that isn't far off.

Lunimae rumbles and goes rigid in the coming and going of Kain's Gazing, yet pays no heed to it otherwise. It was her duty, and had to be completed. The great dragon takes careful note of the younger red trailing her, and projects back to him,

Why do you follow me?

The usual imperiousity and iron marks her cerebral tone, yet it isn't a demand to stop. Merely curious, though it can be hard to tell with this pair.

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