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Date Posted: 17:13:46 04/24/02 Wed
Author: Kwynn
Subject: Re: exploring...
In reply to: Kwynn * Trae 's message, "exploring..." on 17:48:04 04/22/02 Mon

The redrider made his way slowly across the ledge which seemed to wind around the mountaintop. Once he was sure he was out of sight of Trae, he sat down in the snow and leaned against a rock, looking out at the cloudy, almost mistical vista of the surrounding mountains. It was calming, the cold air, with just a slight breeze, and nothing around but snow and rock. For a moment, he was able to relax, but he couldn't keep the thoughts he'd been having recently out of his mind. He kept thinking there was so much going on, and yet he could only think of a few things, and they didn't seem to have much effect on him. There'd been the fight, which had gone surprisingly well for having only four (and at one point, three) fighting dragons in the air. That was when the wild clutch Edyn found had been hatching. One of the purples and her rider that had fought had barely enough time to recover before the dragon flew in mating... unfortunately drawing only two males, one of which was a large wild dragon from the northern mountains...

Kwynn glanced around quickly, as if just realizing he _was_ in the northern mountains, and a wild dragon could be anywhere nearby. But... he wondered if a wild dragon could be bonded, or if only a young hatchling's mind were susceptible enough. He only pondered this a few moments before his mind drifted to other matters.

So the purple laid a nice clutch, and Edyn got all excited, as usual.... The poor girl worked herself up too much, all these hatchings and flights and battles...

He sighed. He felt as if he should be doing something, something more for her, instead of the other way around all the time. He tugged on the bandage around his head out of habit and sighed again, the visible cloud of hot air quickly dissipating in the cold air of the mountaintop. At least now he knew what was bothering him...

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