Date Posted:12:50:36 10/19/02 Sat Author: Habentye Subject: : :inside the abode: : In reply to:
's message, "Re: : :and i will never be free: :" on 11:10:05 10/19/02 Sat
Returns the chuckle. "It is the best way to travel."
"The loss of energy will return shortly, and, unfortunatly a spell that easy, is not what i need." he says quietly, taking a seat in one of the chairs. His eyes glance at the chess pieces.
"This is a game of chess i have been playing for about a month now." he says with a somber smile. "I can only play myself, as my. . . condition. . is one that puts me at a great disadvantage. Please, sit." he says cordially, gesturing to the empty chair on the opposite side. He considers her quietly.
"As i am sure you noticed, my mind is an open book. Against my will it broadcasts vague thoughts to anyone around me. What i ask from you, Lady Altair, is if there is any spell that you can create or find in your book of spells that will create a device that keeps my thoughts INSIDE my mind alone. I saw one once, a Thought Keeper it was called, if i remember correctly, made of silver threads and and a crystal lock. I believe it was worn on the wrist. Do you know of such a device?" he asks calmly.
Though his voice was calm, his thoughts were frantic, perhaps, this mage could help him. The sheer power of his thoughts was creating intensity in the air, and once, a crackle of electricity is heard, tiny blue lightning bolts move around the room. He calms.
"Would you care for anything to drink?" he asks slowly, slightly embarrassed at the crackle of his excitement.