Date Posted:05:22:40 05/08/07 Tue Author:Melissa Irish Step Dancer (Worthy Cause) Subject::-D Please Help My Dads Firehouse
HI... I am an Irish dancer like you. My dad is a Volunteer Fire fighter in Breezy Point NY. His firehouse is in a contest to be the "best firehouse in America"... they are totally volunteer and he and his friends are very brave. I want them to win the grand prize of $100,000 for new equipment and to fix up their trucks. We are 6,000 votes behind the leader right now... We need your help. I was wondering if everyone could get behind this great firehouse and help them win (hey, they give Irish dancers a place to practice every week... you know they are good guys!)
I know how much crazy stuff comes on these message boards, but overall we're here to help each other. This would be something terrific ... can you help us? It only takes a couple of seconds to vote & then confirm your vote... less than a minute of your time could make a HUGE DIFFERENCE to a fire dept in need!
Can you forward this on to your friends too and ask them to vote... we only have a few days left!
Rockaway Point Volunteer Fire House
This contest sponsored by Circuit City and firedogSM, was open to all fire houses across America. The contest called for essay submissions of how your local fire house has demonstrated outstanding service to their community. Thousands of entries were submitted and the ROCKAWAY POINT VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPT., located in Breezy Point NY, across the water from NYC, was selected as one of 10 finalists.
The essay simply told the truth about a terrific group of people. These are families like yours and mine that give their time to this Volunteer Fire Department. They are totally a VOLUNTEER group. They are not funded by any source other than contributions.
Please take the opportunity to vote for the Rockaway Point Volunteer Fire House and show your support for all their hard work and dedication that they provide, not only to their immediate community, but also to their surrounding communities, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.