Abdullah and Rozlyn
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Date Posted: 16:19:40 05/05/03 Mon
In reply to:
's message, ", bored." on 19:25:11 04/30/03 Wed
Rozlyn keeps steady. She was wild once like this creature. Then she realized that it was better in a barn. Especially with her tricks. She could open almost any door or gate to have free range of the place and they fed her here. She didn't have to worry about preditors which was especially helpful having a filly. Best of all you were never mistreated and you were loved. She had found this out and was determined it would be best for her to never go back.
Abdullah stands ready, ready to protect his mate, ready for an unexpected move or threat. Not pushing but not giving enough slack to let the situation get out of control.
(sorry for the delay, i was out of town.)
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