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Date Posted: 17:17:32 07/03/03 Thu
Author: Heather Dunaway
Subject: Big Yeller Dog Farms Photo Shows...

Big Yeller Dog Farms

For The 2003 Season

E-Mail me for the classlist. We have almost 90 classes.

Show Dates: September 23, December 22


1. Entry fees are: 15 cents per horse per class or $5.00 for every 50 classes entered.

2. Only one photo of each horse in each class. Doubles WILL be disqualified with no refund.

3. Horses that are obviously the wrong gender will be disqualified. If you are not sure e-mail or write to me and I will decide what is best.

4. Model sized neck sashes 1st-3rd, Ch. & Res. Ch. Overall Champ and Reserve Champ will get a larger prize. Past prizes include SM’s, halters, rosettes, neck sashes, photos, etc.

5. Most classes have an “other” category; please give a brief description for the “other” categories.

6. Classes will be combined/divided/cancelled as the judge sees fit.

7. Please specify date(s) on separate 3X5 card or in a note.

8. On photo back: Horse’s name, age, sex, color, and breed, CM or OF; classes entered; your name, address, and e-mail.

9. Please send a LSASE for return of prizes and photos.

10. Results will be sent via e-mail soon after the show. I send placings for 1st-10th, plus champs and reserves. My reason for sending them by e-mail is to reduce costs to you. If you prefer I mail the results please let me know in a note with the photos. Add $2 extra for printed results. They average 10 pages.

11. I accept ONLY money order (preferred) or cash (at your own risk). Please tape down loose coins. Absolutely no checks will be accepted.

12. The judge’s decision is final.

If you have any questions regarding rules or classes please e-mail or instant message me. I am always willing to help.

If you are interested in getting a discount fee for all photo shows and race meets, or registering your horses and other models you can join our e-mail club by e-mailing or IM-ing me at MetalnFresians@aol.com to get the info. You can also write in a note if you want printed info (add 50 cents).

If you are interested in boarding your photos between shows, there will be a $1 fee for each show you board. All prizes will be sent to you after your boarding session has expired. Make sure that you enclose enough postage/money for shipping back to you.

Thank You,

Heather Dunaway
Big Yeller Dog Farms

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