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Date Posted: 10:34:44 08/20/03 Wed
Author: Heather Dunaway
Subject: Help rescue an equine legend...

I just had the greatest idea. With everyone's help I want to "adopt" a horse from Old Friends. Currently Old friends is trying to bring back Strike The Gold, Sea Hero, Alysheba, Charismatic, and War Emblem. Here's how I'm going to do this. I raised my fees for breeding and registration, ONLY IF YOU WANT TO DONATE, if not they will remain the same fees as posted yesterday. 100% of the money brought in for this will go to Old Friends! That means for every horse you register with me Old Friends will get 10 cents. That's 10 cents toward saving the life of an equine legend. I am also going to have vetwrap leg wraps for sale for $1.50 each including shipping. Any money left over after shipping will be sent to Old Friends. Also if you just want to donate to the organization that would be great. http://www.oldfriendsequine.org/ But if you don't have $50 to adopt a horse, you can send a small donation to me and I'll put it with the rest. Everyone that helps with this will recieve a copy of the certificate of adoption. This is a great chance to do your good deed.

You can trust me 100% on this I am not trying to make money. Everything I have said is true. If you want to check my e-bay feedback my id is BreyerLover_2003. I also have several people on this list and other lists that can vouch for my honesty.

Here's the S/D List and Registry:

Huge list of over 350 horses. Most with real parents. Many breeds. If you wan the whole list or are just looking for certain breeds e-mail me and I can send it to you. E-mail breedings and list requests free. Snail mail breedings $.10 per parent. Snail mail list $5 plus 2 stamps (covers donation, postage, paper and ink). 23 page list.

BYDF Registry: $.10 per model. We are nearing the 500 model mark in the equine registry. You can register ANY model you want. Not limited to horses. E-mail me for more info.

Heather Dunaway

Big Yeller Dog Farms


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