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Date Posted: 13:47:01 10/12/03 Sun
Author: Heidi
Subject: Zodiac Farms Fall Halter Photo Show November 26-30, 2003

Hi Photo Showers,
I'm having a another photo show, check the prizes. I've been on a hiatus from photo showing and hosting, but I'm on my way back to the fun. Please enter and make this show a success. E-mail me with any questions.

Zodiac Farms Fall Halter Photo Show
November 26-30, 2003

Fees: 1-10=$2

E-mail me with any questions at hi_d_hi@yahoo.com Judging takes place over 10 days if needed. This gives me enough time to be fair, and have fun too. As well as typing up results which needs a 1/2 day for the most part

25 cents for a 1/4 page ad
50 cents for a 12 page ad
$1.00 for a full page ad

Send entries to:
Heidi Reaves
17064 E. Duffers
Spring Valley, AZ 86333

Rules: Only one photo per horse, no larger then 4 X 6 and no smaller then 3 X 5, Please! Halters not required. Photos must have horse’s name, sex, breed, age, your name, address & e-mail(if you have it) on back of all photos. Judge reserves the right to combine classes if not enough enteries. Please mark photos CM or OF, as I may split classes if enough entries. All entries due by mail time date of show, No exceptions! Late entries,depending on when I get them, will either be sent back unjudged or I’ll add them to show(if I’ve barely begun), but I will not start over for those LATE entries. You, must, must, must have a large enough SASE for photo returns, doorprizes and results. Check your return postage, send extra if you have to. I'll send back what is not used. Thank you for understanding.

1st-HM Placed
Class Champs in Gender, Breed & Color will receive Breyer Wal-Mart Mustang(one adult each, not set)**if classes are split OF/CM will only give out to Breed and Color)
Show Reserve will receive NIB Breyer OF Classic Shire
Show Champion will receive Breyer OF Blackberry Frost(excellent condition)Not in Box

**NOTE**(Will only give out these prizes with enough entries, 20 people or 700+ photos or will change prizes, by going down in size, Classic, LB and SM respectively)

**NOTE** Shipping on any prizes won must be paid by the winner.(I went broke last time sending out prizes)

I also have doorprizes, so no one goes home without something.

1. Stallion
2. Mare
3. Gelding
4. Weanling/Yearling
5. Foal
Gender Champion

6. Arabian
7. Morgan
8. Gaited
9. Spanish
10. TB/STB
11. WB/SpH/Carriage
12. QH
13. Paints
14. Appaloosa
15. Mustangs/Other Stock
16. Clydesdale/Shires
17. Other Drafts
18. Shetlands/Welsh
19. Other Ponies
20. Long Ears/Exotic
21. Other Pure/Fantasy
22. Half Arabs
23. Other Mixed/Grade
Breed Champion

24. Wh/All lt Greys
25. All dk Greys/Dapples
26. Roan
27. Black
28. Bay/Brown
29. Chest/Sorrel
30. Dun/Grulla/Champagne
31. Cream/Palo/Buck
32. Pinto(incudes Tovero & Sabino)(may be split by pattern if enough entries)
33. All Appaloosa Patterns(may be split by pattern if enough entries)
34. Other Color, Decorator & Fantasy Color
Color Champion

41. Breyer
42. Stone
43. H-R
44. Resin(NL, Stone Critters, etc.)
45. Other Plastic/China
46. CM Breyer
47. CM Stone
48. CM Other
49. CM Resin
50. Resin finished by Artist
Make Champion

Please enter and make this show a success!

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