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Date Posted: 14:46:50 05/21/02 Tue
Author: Eric Durbin
Subject: 2002 North Coast Open Results

The Eighth “Annual North Coast Open,” sponsored by the Toledo Naturalists’ Association, ended at 9 PM Saturday night (May 18) at the Blackberry Corner’s Restaurant. The highest team totals in the competitive were The Birders of Prey (Captain Jim Witter, with Sam Corbo, and Patrick Witter), a Junior Division team with 106 species, and The Older Eagos (Captain Greg Links, with Elliot Tramer and Karl Overman), in the Open Division, with 151 species. Consequently, The Older Eagos won the over all competition and possession of the Peregrine Cup until next year.

Species totals for other competitive teams were: Bird Dogs—141; Woodcocks—131; BG Bird Hunters—130; Fly By Nights—127; and Sylvania Twitchers (aka Sylvania Twitters)—110.

Teams participating in the “anything goes” Freestyle Division were: We Can’t Agree On What Out Name Was (Mother-daughter team of Mary Bucher and Margie Black)—64; Flaming Flamingoes (Barry McEwen & John Rohn)—86; Easy Bake Ovenbirds (Richard Johnson and his nieces, Amanda and Taylor)—95; and the Matt Anderson Posse—153!!!

Congratulations to all participants! The combined list of all the bird species seen and/or heard by the North Coast teams on Saturday, May 18, 2002, between midnight and 9 PM in Lucas, Ottawa, Wood, Sandusky and Erie Counties, is:

1. Pied-billed Grebe
2. Double-crested Cormorant
3. American Bittern
4. Least Bittern
5. Great Blue Heron
6. Great Egret
7. Snowy Egret
8. Cattle Egret
9. Green Heron
10. Black-crowned Night-heron
11. Mute Swan
12. Canada Goose
13. Wood Duck
14. Green-winged Teal
15. Mallard
16. Blue-winged Teal
17. Northern Shoveler
18. Gadwall
19. American Wigeon
20. Redhead
21. Greater Scaup
22. Lesser Scaup
23. Hooded Merganser
24. Red-breasted Merganser
25. Ruddy Duck
26. Turkey Vulture
27. Osprey
28. Bald Eagle
29. Sharp-shinned Hawk
30. Cooper's Hawk
31. Red-shouldered Hawk
32. Broad-winged Hawk
33. Red-tailed Hawk
34. American Kestrel
35. Peregrine Falcon
36. Ring-necked Pheasant
37. Wild Turkey
38. Virginia Rail
39. Sora
40. Common Moorhen
41. American Coot
42. Semipalmated Plover
43. Killdeer
44. Greater Yellowlegs
45. Lesser Yellowlegs
46. Solitary Sandpiper
47. Spotted Sandpiper
48. Upland Sandpiper
49. Ruddy Turnstone
50. Sanderling
51. Least Sandpiper
52. Pectoral Sandpiper
53. Dunlin
54. Short-billed Dowitcher
55. Common Snipe
56. American Woodcock
57. Bonaparte's Gull
58. Ring-billed Gull
59. Herring Gull
60. Great Black-backed Gull
61. Caspian Tern
62. Common Tern
63. Black Tern
64. Rock Dove
65. Mourning Dove
66. Eastern Screech-owl
67. Barred Owl
68. Common Nighthawk
69. Whip-poor-will
70. Chimney Swift
71. Ruby-throated Hummingbird
72. Belted Kingfisher
73. Red-headed Woodpecker
74. Red-bellied Woodpecker
75. Downy Woodpecker
76. Hairy Woodpecker
77. Northern Flicker
78. Pileated Woodpecker
79. Olive-sided Flycatcher
80. Eastern Wood-pewee
81. Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
82. Acadian Flycatcher
83. Alder Flycatcher
84. Willow Flycatcher
85. Least Flycatcher
86. Eastern Phoebe
87. Great Crested Flycatcher
88. Eastern Kingbird
89. Horned Lark
90. Purple Martin
91. Tree Swallow
92. Northern Rough-winged Swallow
93. Bank Swallow
94. Cliff Swallow
95. Barn Swallow
96. Blue Jay
97. American Crow
98. Black-capped Chickadee
99. Tufted Titmouse
100. Red-breasted Nuthatch
101. White-breasted Nuthatch
102. Carolina Wren
103. House Wren
104. Sedge Wren
105. Marsh Wren
106. Ruby-crowned Kinglet
107. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
108. Eastern Bluebird
109. Veery
110. Gray-cheeked Thrush
111. Swainson's Thrush
112. Wood Thrush
113. American Robin
114. Gray Catbird
115. Northern Mockingbird
116. Brown Thrasher
117. American Pipit
118. Cedar Waxwing
119. European Starling
120. White-eyed Vireo
121. Blue-headed Vireo
122. Yellow-throated Vireo
123. Warbling Vireo
124. Philadelphia Vireo
125. Red-eyed Vireo
126. Blue-winged Warbler
127. Golden-winged Warbler
128. Tennessee Warbler
129. Orange-crowned Warbler
130. Nashville Warbler
131. Northern Parula
132. Yellow Warbler
133. Chestnut-sided Warbler
134. Magnolia Warbler
135. Cape May Warbler
136. Black-throated Blue Warbler
137. Yellow-rumped Warbler
138. Black-throated Green Warbler
139. Blackburnian Warbler
140. Pine Warbler
141. Prairie Warbler
142. Palm Warbler
143. Bay-breasted Warbler
144. Blackpoll Warbler
145. Cerulean Warbler
146. Black-and-white Warbler
147. American Redstart
148. Prothonotary Warbler
149. Ovenbird
150. Northern Waterthrush
151. Louisiana Waterthrush
152. Kentucky Warbler
153. Mourning Warbler
154. Common Yellowthroat
155. Hooded Warbler
156. Wilson's Warbler
157. Canada Warbler
158. Yellow-breasted Chat
159. Scarlet Tanager
160. Northern Cardinal
161. Rose-breasted Grosbeak
162. Indigo Bunting
163. Eastern Towhee
164. Chipping Sparrow
165. Clay-colored Sparrow
166. Field Sparrow
167. Vesper Sparrow
168. Lark Sparrow
169. Savannah Sparrow
170. Grasshopper Sparrow
171. Henslow’s Sparrow
172. Song Sparrow
173. Lincoln's Sparrow
174. Swamp Sparrow
175. White-throated Sparrow
176. White-crowned Sparrow
177. Bobolink
178. Red-winged Blackbird
179. Eastern Meadowlark
180. Common Grackle
181. Brown-headed Cowbird
182. Orchard Oriole
183. Baltimore Oriole
184. House Finch
185. American Goldfinch
186. House Sparrow

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