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Date Posted: 20:34:51 06/25/02 Tue
Author: Becky Cullen
Subject: TNA Butterfly Field Trip

As noted in the June bulletin, a butterfly field trip has been added to the TNA schedule for July. It will be held Sunday, July 28th and will consist of two parts.

Part 1: Starting at 10:30 a.m. there will be a one hour slide presentation by Dave Parshall, President of The Ohio Lepidopterists, held at the Whitehouse Administration Bldg., 6655 Providence St., Whitehouse. This presentation will focus on how to identify butterflies in the field and is open to an unlimited number of participants.

Part 2: Beginning at noon, Mr. Parshall will lead a butterfly walk at Oak Openings Metropark. THE BUTTERFLY WALK PORTION OF THIS FIELD TRIP IS LIMITED TO 16 PARTICIPANTS AND IS ON A FIRST COME BASIS. CALL THE HOTLINE TO RESERVE
YOUR SPOT (419-877-9640). Those lucky enough to be ncluded in the 16 participants should meet Mr. Parshall at the Girdham Road sand dunes at noon.

Mr. Parshall is an expert on the butterflies of Ohio and will be using a catch and release procedure enabling close observation of each species. If you have ever been puzzled by how to tell a Great Spangled Fritillary from an Aphrodite, this is your chance to learn all the secrets.
Don?t forget, TO ATTEND THE BUTTERFLY WALK, YOU MUST PRE-REGISTER BY CALLING THE HOTLINE. Please leave your name and a phone number where you can be reached.

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