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Date Posted: Tuesday, January 12, 01:47:34pm
Author: BJ
Subject: Re: A Warning to All
In reply to: BJ 's message, "Every Believer Should Have Power to:" on Sunday, January 10, 09:54:59pm

To have power to exercise unlimited authority in the fullness of God means that you do not reject any part of the Bible or be ashamed of any experience that God gave to early believers. It matters not what men condemn and make fun of; it matters not how unpopular it may be; and it matters not whether or not it is accepted by all churches, the fact remains that the above–mentioned experiences are on record so that every honest person can see for himself that early disciples had these blessings. No man has to be deceived (or be tempted to think that he might receive a wrong spirit or manifestation) if he will follow the instructions outlined in Chapter Three.
The fact remains that every person, if he is the least bit honest, can read the passages for himself if he has doubts about what we say. He will have to acknowledge that such blessings were present in the lives of early Christians. He must then conclude that they are for believers today, just as much as they were for the first Christians, or the Scriptures are not true. He must further conclude that if he wants such blessings he must accept them and get them exactly like the early Christians did. If he does not want them, then let him be satisfied with a powerless and helpless life when he comes to face the devil and evil spirit forces; when he comes to heal the sick; and when he needs to do the works of Christ that every believer is supposed to have power to do (Jn. 14:12).btu

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