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Date Posted: 12:29:35 01/10/02 Thu
Author: KVD
Subject: Dynamix! I am number 1

(* a camera is shown outback and there stands the NPNW WORLD CHAMPION KVD! The crowd begins to chant KVD, KVD, KVD, KVD... as the ICON of PRO WRESTLING lights up a cuban cigar! )

KVD: Dynamix!

* The crowd boos at his name!

KVD: I have come here for one reason and one reason only! And that is to become the WWF WORLD CHAMPION! I know for a fac that I will beat the living PISS ANT PIG FUCK out of your ass! I will become WWF Champion! I only know one person ever who could talk the talk and walk the walk and that fans is...


KVD: Thats what I thought so Dynamix come Monday Night! I will beat your ass down to the mat and pin your ass 1-2-3 and I will become the WWF Champion! I am a Miamian and we love to dish out East Coast ass whoopins! And on Monday Night you will walk into a HURRICANE! I am the Peoples Champion! I will make your ass beg for mercy! You will see what it takes to be number 1 ! Because I am number 1! So Dynamix on Monday Night! Don't Sing it... Bring it... SUCKA! So to all you KVD fans... Two FINGA'S LIKE A PLAYA... AND IM OUT!

( * the camera fades as KVD finishes his cuban cigar and opens a can of beer... and the crowd begins to chant KVD, KVD, KVD, KVD...! )

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