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Date Posted: 19:20:27 01/10/02 Thu
Author: Kurt Angle
Subject: Every1 read

(Lilian is seen in the back and then she starts to talk>

Lilian: Well we are here waiting for shane McMahon to see what his big surprize is...

(Then you see kurt Angle In the back he then walks to lilian and starts to talk)

Kurt Angle: Well lilian to tell you the truth i am sick of this. Why when i have things to say no one cares. Am I like the big loser in this fed?

Lilian: Well kurt we can talk to u if you would like?

Kurt Angle: Well lilian you would love to know what i have to talk about wouldt you well guess what you wont be able to till I go to the ring and tell the world.

(Kurt walks down the hall. Then a bunch of matchs go by then Shanes music plays and he walks to the ring. Shane starts to talk and then angles music plays and he comes out to the ring)

Kurt Angle: Now you all see i told you that i had some things to say. Now to start this off we will talk about my lovily manager. Lita. Now you have been gone as of late. Where have you been. Stacy seems a little sad that you are gone.

Now on to stacy she thinks that she can step out here in the XOW and go for the Title well i dont think so. Stacy you need to earn that shot. And you will do that by winning the royal rumble and about the royal rumble i am entering my self into that. I know that i will walk out the winner. But here is the deal. When i win that match i will give my spoy yo one wrestler. So you can all start kissing my ass for that spot.

Now shane. You have some news for us. Well u know what i know what it is. We will wait till after the ROYAL RUMBLE Before we tell anyone.

But now the last thing i need to talk about is this. Salamanda man. You know what. your right. maybe i do know why you quit. U see what you did to me was uncalled for. You see, i will show you yoru little alliance will go down faster than you did when you came back. Now to move on. You talk alott of shit. If you can talk so much why dont you challenge me to a match. We will see who is the better man. You see sal can i call you sal. I will anyway. I will take you out so fast that you know that already so i will move on.

Now stone Cold steve austin. U want a title shot you have one against The Shark For the Intercontinebtal Title and that is all i have to say about that

(Kurts music plays and he leaves the ring and goes to the back and then the show ends.)

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