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Date Posted: 13:14:49 01/11/02 Fri
Author: KVD
Subject: Kurt, Dynamix, and Jacks!

(* the lights dim and I am number 1 by Nelly hits the arena and the crowd roars and begins to chant: KVD, KVD, KVD, KVD, KVD, KVD, KVD, KVD, KVD, KVD...! He slides into the ring and grabs the mic...! )

KVD: Kurt Angel... YOU SUCK! You say how you are gonna kick my ass? Please! You cheat with that HTML SHIT! Were I come from it's all old school shit! I know for a fact that it will come down to me and Jacks! I will hand you your head on a plate after I kick it off with my BOOT FROM HELL! I am tired of your Mickey Bullshit! You are nothing but a pussy! You can dish it out until you are blue in the face and when it's time to fight you crumble! And as for you Dynamix!

* the crowd boo's at his name!

KVD: Im not finished with your ass! I am the PEOPLES CHAMPION! I AM THE HURRICANE! I will make your ass above all others beg for mercey! I have no respect at all for you and Kurt Angel... in my honest oppinion you guys shouldn't even be in my league! I will put your ass in the SCORPIAN DEATHLOCK AND I WILL MAKE YOU TAP OUT! So can you DIG IT SUCKA!?

* The crowd laughs as KVD imitates Dynamix!

KVD: Jacks! You have a lot of tallent man I can see it! You will someday be one of the greatest of all times up along side of me and Sikamike! Jacks I have more respect for you than I do for anyone else in this federation! But I am gonna teach you Pup a lesson and the lesson is to not mess with the BIG DOGS! Because on Monday Night I will beat your ass 1-2-3! And I will becom the First XCW WORLD CHAMPION! I will make you beg for mercey! So Kurt, Dynamix, and Jacks... Don't Sing it... Bring it! Have and to all my fans... 2 FINGAS LIKE A PLAYA AND I'M OUT!

* KVD'S music hits the arena as he walks up the ramp with the crowd chanting KVD, KVD, KVD, KVD...as he exits!

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