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Date Posted: 18:45:34 01/18/02 Fri
Author: Hulk Hogan
Subject: Rocky D LO Show Stoppatz Read!!!

> src="http://www.wwfsuperstars.com/undertaker/video/unde
Rollin hit's the titan tron as you see
Hulk Hogan come out on his motorcycle he rides down
the ramp and then goes around the ring then parks it
he then slaps some of the fans hands then rolls into
the ring hogan then asks for a mic and trys to begin
to speak but the crowd are chanting HOGAN HOGAN HOGAN
finally they let him speak!!!!

Hulk Hogan:Yes i no stacy won the womens title (Crowd cheers) and I lost against Rocky (crwod boos)but it's ok because i get a rematch against him at Showdown for the Undispited Championship which I am gonna whip his ass you see i will become the first ever Undispieted champion and after I whip Rockys ass it's then Dlos turn to get his ass kicked you see you can't beat me the only reason rocky beat me is cause his foot was on the rope and rocky and dlo that won't happen cause all you will be seeing is my leg going right down on you neck then it's 1 2 3 then taht is over and show stoppatz you tihnk you are gonna whip Lando and my ass well you aren't you see you guys are wimps no one likes you they all hate you when ever you guys come out they yell out "Here comes the retards" Lando and I are a dommantte force no one can't get passed us so DLO ROCKY AND SHOW STOPPAZ get ready for Showdown cause "WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO WHEN THE ARMS OF HULKAMANINA RUN WILD ON YOU" If ya smell what the Hulkster is cooking!!!!!

Rollin hit's the titan tron again
as Hulk Hogan rides on his motorcycle back up the ramp
he then gets off the Motorcycle when he gets up to the
top then rips his shirt and then gives it to a fan
then gets back on it and heads back to his lockeroom

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