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Date Posted: 14:44:52 01/19/02 Sat
Author: Hulk Hogan
Subject: Rocky D LO Show Stoppaz AND every DIVA!!!! RIGHT ONE!!!!

Rollin hit's the titan tron as you see Hulk Hogan and Stacy come walking out from the curtains Hulk Hogan goes to the left side of the stage and raises his hands and Stacy goes to the right and raises her hands they both walk down the ramp and start to slap the fans hands then they get into the ring Hulk Hogan then asks for a mic and trys to begin to speak but the crowd won't let him there chanting HOGAN HOGAN HOGAN!!!! Finally they let him speak!!!

Hulk Hogan: Tonight is the night i kick Rocky's ass again but not for teh internet title for the UNDISPUTED title I will beat the living hell out of Rocky same goes for you DLO but anyways DLO you think your gonna hit the LO DOWN one me i don't think so you won't be able too cause I will choke you out with my 24 inch pithons same goes for you Rocky then I will pick you both up then do my BIG BOOT TO THE FACE and then my famous LEG DROP then a 1 2 3 and I become the first ever UNDISPUTED Champion in the XCW you see the reason i am gonna kick Rockys ass more is cause he cheated at LUDCRAS and beat me and being RACIST about DYMAIAX and for you DLO I just want to kick your ass because i don't like you "IF YA SMELL WHAT HULKSTER IS COOKING" o ya DLO "YOUR LOOKING AT THE REAL DEAL NOW"(CROWD GOES ALONG WITH IT THEY SCREAM WOOOOOO)

Hulk Hogan hands the mic over to Stacy Kielber and she begins to speak!!!!

Stacy Kielber:Yes I no I won the Womens title (crowd screams) I whooped Lita's ass she never had a chance of beaten me!!! You see now i am the First Womens Champion of all time in the XCW so anyways at this months ppv I want to put my title on the line against any diva back there who can beat me in a SWIMSUIT COMPATISTION!!!(Crowd satrs to scream loud) Any diva who wants to think they can beat me come on out here but I don't think you can I am the most sexiest Diva ever so if you think you can beat me come on out here right now!!!!!

Stacy hands the mic back over to Hulk Hogan and he begins to speak!!!

Hulk Hogan:And tonight Show stoppaz you think your gonna beat Krazy Boyz (Lando and Hulk Hogan) well your not you are gonan be seeing my Leg come droping on both of your ass's so Show Stoppaz get ready to lose those tag team titles because the won't be around your waist anymore they will be around KRAZT BOYZ'S then I will become two CHAMPS UNDISPUTED and TAG TEAM Champion and i will become the living legend!!!!!!!!

Rollin hit's the titan tron again as Hulk Hogan drops the mic and Stacy and Hulkster roll out of the ring and head back up to the top of the ramp while Hulk Hogan goes to the right and Stacy goes to the Left Hulk Hogan then rips his shirt and thowrs it to the crowd the Stacy rips her shirt and thowrs it in the crwod (The crowd start to chant PUPPIES PUPPIES PUPPIES) then they head back to there locker rooms!!!!!

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