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Date Posted: 05:51:22 01/21/02 Mon
Author: The Game
Subject: A New face In Town. Get Ready!

~ As the crowd fills up the sold out arena, they await for the beginning of the show. All of a sudden the lights go out and the crowd can be heard as they fill the arena with a mixed reaction of cheers and boos. All of a sudden, The Game by Motorhead blasts with amazing volume over the speakers. The lights then start to flicker and standing on top of the ramp walkway appears to be a figure. ~

~ The figure remains motionless until he finally looks up and stares a old stare into the eyes of a camera man. ~

~ The unknown figure then slowly makes his way down the ramp walkway and the fans quietly focus their eyes onto ttis unknown superstar. The unknown superstar then finally stops by the ring but circles it a couple of times and eyes each person at ringside such as the camera men, ring announcers, colour commentators, time keepers, and so on. The unknown figure then walks up the rings's steel steps and stands in the middle of the apron. He looks all around him with a cool and calm look in his eyes. He then raises his arms into the air and lets out a mighty roar unlike no other. ~

~ The whole arena is rocked with a mixture of cheers and boos as he then turns arond and enters the ring through the middle rope. He then circles the ring a couple of times before coming to a stop in the middle of the ring. The flickering lights then come to a stop and the music fades out and all that can be heard is the thousands of screaming fans in attendance. The figure then reaches into his coat and pulls out what appears to be a microphone. The unknown figure then slowly raises the microphone to his lips and the whole audience then goes into a deep silence as they are prepared to listen to this individual speak... ~

The Game : Now that I got everybodies attention........let me introduce myself. I am only gonna say my name once because I won't have to repeat myself as the time goes by. I am.........."The Game!!!" I am the newest face here in XCW and soon I'll be the most feared face in XCW!!! I came to this federation for one purpose and one purpose only........To be the best and capture the gold! I am no stranger to the world of wrestling for most of the world knows who I am and probably most of you all do as well.

~ The crowd explodes into cheers upon hearing this fron The Game. He then continues to speak.... ~

The Game : Now I know that the XCW is pack full of amazing talent but they haven't stepped inside the ring with me yet! I may appear to be cool and calm at the moment but once I step into this ring i am ready for combat and I become a different person......A frightning person.......a Cerebral Assassin! I am so deadly in the ring that I was fired from a number of federations for "Not Playing Nice" with all the others. I have broken bones, ended careers, and one time I almost ended someone's life after I was finished kicking their ass! I am beyond the shadow of a doubt Champion Material but I was never given the chane to become one due to how I was. I could of held more titles then I could count but each and every federation was too afraid of me. I been in JPW, UCW, ECWF, EWWF, GPW, SDWA.........The list goes on! Out of all of those federations I held only one Heavyweight Title and that was in GPW where I became the first ever champion in a tournament. I held that title until i got it stripped from me because I was........"Too Extreme!"

~ The crowd then explodes into cheers because they now remember The Game very well. Some of the fans then start to chant GPW chants as The Game smirks and then continues to talk.... ~

The Game : After I had that title taken away from me I left because GPW couldn't handle me! I then went to SDWA where I became the #1 Contender for the Heavyweight Title when all of a sudden the damn federation shut down because of our beloved Prez Jay Brown. So then I got word about the XCW. I heard that this place will take anybody no matter how brutal someone is. So I put the pen to the paper and signed the contract and here I am! I took a little time to check out the talnet here in XCW and I see that there is a whole lotta talent here. But........Yet all they mean to me is nothing but victims of my Unstopable Power Trip!!! Where I come from I took on some of the greatest wrestlers the world has ever seen. J-Dog, Corin Sandora, Xaylen, Dex, Herb Jonze, Lance Lethal, Bloody Mary, Ruff Ryder, Mr. Sunday Night "A.N.D." and the list goes on. One by one I beat all their asses. Each one of those superstars was great in talent but they were all no match for me! And I expect the same thing to happen here in XCW. One by one.......Each of you will fall victim to my rage!

~ The crowd erupts into cheers and starts to chant 'The Game's" name oevr and over. ~

The Game : I can be a nice guy when I want to be but I can also be one mean f_cker when you piss me off ! I don't care about anyone else but myself and the only person I look after is me. Unless you can get on my good side then maybe.....just maybe......I'll watch your back so all you in the back better listin good when I say this! I don't need to earn any respect around here because I don't need to! My name speaks for itself and those who know me well already respect me. I will capture myself some gold here in XCW in no time flat! Trust me on that one. So if anyoe of you guys in the back got a problem with me or like to talk business then I ain't that hard to find. I'm in the roon which has "The Game" engraved in big letters in it. Don't be afraid to knock because it doesn't take me long to answer it. And if I like the way you look then I give you a chance to spit your poison but if you start talking shit in my face then the next time anybody sees you will be on either a milk carton or on a "Missing Persons" poster! Hit my music!

~ The Game by Motorhead blasts over the speakers again and The Game then drops the mic onto the mat and then he leaves the ring. The Game then walks back up the ramp and the camera man follows him as he goes backstage and walks down the long hallway passing some of the XCW superstars along the way. The Game then arrives at his locker room and opens the door. He looks at the camera man with another cold stare and then slams the door behind him. The scene then fades and returns to regular XCW action... ~

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