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Date Posted: 13:02:37 01/09/02 Wed
Author: KVD

* a camera is shown outback and a black Ford F-350 pulls up and the fans begin to scream and begin to chant: KVD, KVD, KVD, KVD, KVD, KVD...! As the NPNW WORLD CHAMPION steps out of the truck wearin his Miami Hurricanes hat and carrying the NPNW WORLD TITLE! He makes his way into the arena!

* commercial break

( * the camera comes back on and the lights go out and the fireworks explode and outwalks KVD! The crowd ignites with cheer: KVD, KVD, KVD, KVD, KVD, KVD, KVD, KVD, KVD...! KVD steps into the ring and raises his hand and grabs the mic! )

KVD: Hey Yo! Dynamix! You come out here and say your the ''Great One''? HAHAHAHA! Please! I am the Great One! I am the PEOPLES CHAMPION! I am the NPNW WORLD CHAMPION! I will beat the living HELL out of you on Monday night RAW! I will win the Battle Royal and become the first WWF WORLD CHAMPION! Dynamix, and the other 2 you guys are in for the beating of your life! I will become WORLD CHAMPION and when I do it will be my 3rd WORLD TITLE and I will be the WORLD CHAMPION of 3 Federations! NPNW, BAWF, and WWF! I will put the fans in the stands because I am the man! I know knowone in this federation can beat me! I am the ICON of PRO WRESLTING! So come Monday Night! Don't Sing it... Bring it...!

( * KVD drops the mic and heads up the ramp and pulls out a pen and begins signing autographs for his MILLI0NS AND MILLIONS of fans! )

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