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Date Posted: 23:49:50 03/02/02 Sat
Author: Scarlett
Subject: To Michi
In reply to: Michi 's message, "Scarlett" on 07:07:46 02/21/02 Thu


Wow, you are so great!! Thanks for the list. I was stunned. That’s a beautiful thing you have done for me. You have within a "breath" told me everything, so detailed even with a short synopsis. I'm always hoping to read some nice messages particularly like this. Arrigato.

Hmm, your knowledge on J-drama is no joke, man!! Mine is quite restricted and my inability to read Mandarin has added a barrier to it. My sister bought a number of her favourites VCDs but I could never understand the story ‘cause her is without BM subtitles.

Talking about GTO, I really like the episode on Tomoko very very much. So heart warming. The part where she was asked to left the class by her sinsei (who else, Takashi, lor!!) and she started to cry. Then she met Nanako and this nice lady bought her an air ticket. And the bunch of her classmates went to the airport to bid farewell. That was one of the best part of all.

I was wondering why they came up with a new version of Heaven’s coins. That could be a disaster. The viewers tend to compare it with the original version. I have yet to watch this series, even the original but read so much about it on the net. They were saying this is a tear-jerker series.

Itazura Na Kiss sounds very interesting. I have been watching too many sad series for the past few years. I think it’s the time for me to make a change. Yeah, I heard too that Hero is the highest rating drama in Japanese last year. Well, a very anticipated series then.

I went to watch "Thirteen Ghost" last week. It was a midnight show, starts at 11.45 pm. If you like creepy, horror movie, then you mustn’t miss it. Unfortunately, this movie is heavily edited. You just know it. The background music was slashed half way and some of the violence scenes were removed. But don’t watch it from VCD, get yourself a seat in the cinema. The digital sound was so good, so real and so horrifying.

The cinema was very packed yesterday and I seat in the first front row. You got to really held your head high enough!! It’s spoilt the fun. Everything happened so fast, too fast that you can’t even catch a glimpse on it.

Hei! How is your SPM result? Trust everything is well with you.



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