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Date Posted: 08:46:27 05/14/00 Sun
Author: Maxx Kodiak
Subject: <font color="white"> Phatt Matt Splatt....

(( We see a karate dojo somewhere in the Red Hook District of New York. There is a class in progress consisting of twelve year old boys learning to fine tune their skills. All of a sudden, the door bursts open and MAXX KODIAK stumbles in DRUNK!!! The Karate MASTER turns his attention to MAXX...))

MASTER: "What the hell is this?!! Who the hell are you? You can't just barge in here drunk as a skunk!! Get out of my dojo!!"

MAXX: "Aww, shut the hell up!! I'm here on a mission from Team WTW to prove to all of you kids that karate is a waste of your time!! You should come to the WTW Training camp and learn how to become true, HARDCORE masters!!!!"

MASTER: " You want to prove yourself you idiot, you've come to the right place!!"

(( The MASTER runs towards MAXX, but KODIAK throws a nearby chair at him and he hits the floor. MAXX then breaks out his barbed wire bat and cracks the MASTER over the skull, busting him wide open. He then pours his whisky on the MASTERS open wound in order to highten the pain!!! The MASTER is pleading with MAXX to stop, but KODIAK continues his beatdown until the MASTER is unconcious is a pool of his own blood!!))

MAXX: " Now all you kids realize why the WTW is the place to be!! And I know all of you are gonna tune in real soon to watch me educate that poor PUNK Phatt Matt!!"

KID 1: " Hey Mr. Kodiak, we heard that Phatt Matt can really take it to you! I think he's gonna kick your lilly ass!!"

MAXX: "Oh do you?! Let me tell you something kid, That idiot Matt Spratt is gonna go SPLATT when i feed him my boot, and if you're not careful, I might just set an example right here!! Matt Spratt knows that he can't deny the power of Team WTW, so he's got a decision to make....He can either JOIN us, and become our personal BITCH, or he can stay champ just long enough for me to get my hands on him, then KICK THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF HIM!!! Now, if you girls will exuse me, I've got some drinkin' to do before the day is out!!"

(( MAXX turns to leave, but not before stopping over the lifeless body of the MASTER to tax his wallet!!! THAT MAXX KODIAK IS ONE BADD MOTHER ( shut your mouth!!) JUST TALKIN' BOUT MAXX!!))

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