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Date Posted: 14:20:55 05/14/00 Sun
Author: Edgecrusher

(The lights dim over a capacity crowd. They dim enough to allow some light to live. Shadows begin to dance upon the wall as if there where candles lit in the middle of the ring. A cold chill fills the arena as a lone searchlight begins rumaging through the crowd. Some loyal fans know who it is, but the others don't have the foggiest idea of the newcomer. The searchlight focuses on a dark, ominous figure in a trenchcoat. He leaps from the balcony and lands gracefully on the ground. He then runs to the ring, rolls inside, and catches the mic that's thrown to him.)

Edgecrusher--"LISTEN UP!!! I've been around. All over the place. Different orginizations, around the world, and most importantly, all around this FED!! I've been watching. From the balcony, in the darkness, from the locker room. I'm everywhere. I've seen a couple things that I don't like here. The main thing is you Lost Soul!!! I watched as you lost your tag titles to Evil, and now I wanna watch you lose your T.V. title too! I see that Flex Kavana laid out a challenge for this Tuesday. Well, I like that Flex a bit and I'd like to add a little bit to his idea. How about you turn the match into a 3....WAY ...DANCE!!!!!"

*The crowd screams louder than anytime in WTW history*

Edgecrusher--"SEE??? The Fans want it!! What do you say Lost Soul? You, Flex, and ME!! 3-way dance for the WTW T.V. title this TUESDAY!!!! Lost Soul....you will learn to abide and adhere....and come Tuesday....you will feel the BREAK!!!!!!...."

(Edgecrusher pauses as his deep red eyes stare into the camera that is focused on him. His veins begin to extrude from his neck. There is an obvious hatred for Lost Soul in this man. Edgecrusher brings the mic back to his mouth, takes a few staggered breaths...)

".....of the Edgecrusher!!!!.....PREZ...MAKE IT HAPPEN!!"

(The crowd goes wild as Edgecrusher tosses the mic down, keeping his glare at the camera. After a significant amount of time, he turns and leaves the ring. He leaves through the estatic crowd. The crowd, not knowing what to think of this strange man, begins to have some adoration for this lone combatant. Only time will tell....

...the camera fades to black and on the screen appears...)


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