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Date Posted: 18:17:48 05/16/00 Tue
Author: Lost Soul
Subject: Lost soul is back...

(the lights go off over the crowd. No one knows who it could be, because of all the newcomers coming into this fed. Powerman5000 hits the speekers. Then all of the lights turn red. Then some of the fans that have ben in other feds know who it is. This man comes walking out of the locker room. Both hands behind his back with a mic. He is wearing all black and even black sunglass. His name Lost Soul. He walks to the ring looking at all of the fans that are there and starts to think. he steps into the ring and turns the mic on. the crowd starts to cheer for what this man is doing.)

Lost Soul: Well...you thought that i was gone didn't you well... i tell you know that i made a mistake and that i am back in this fed. There was a lot of people talking to me saying. Why did you leave. Well... I tell you i had bigger things in mind, but that is over with now and i want back in. I want to destroy the WTW Stable and everone in it. And it will happen as soon as me and Super Crasher kick some @ss later on. Super Crash i would like to thank you for bring me back to my sences and telling me that i do need to be here and not leave the future i had a head of me. So What i say that there is going to be a new me. And there is going to be some @sses that are going to be kicked and some blood is going to be sheed now that i, Lost soul, am back in the WTW. And i tend to keep it that way.

(The crowd cheers after hearing what he had to say. After all of the talk of that SC and LS where not going to be in the tagmatch to get the tag titles. Now the tides have turned and it is back to normal with Lost Soul and Super Crash as a team again. Like it was suposied to be, But Lost Soul is not done yet....)

Lost Soul: Now i still have stuff to say all about the challenges that have been nocking at my door ever sence i have been gone. Now Flex... You talk about your Muscles as they are you. Well... I will have to tell you one thing. Muscles are out and Dicks are in I have the dick and those are for chicks not your Muscles. You come out here saying also that i have no chance agnest you. That you have beeten the toughest guys out there. Well... I say to you that I am not those guys. And you will fell new pain when i come into this ring and kick your @ss. Now To Edgecrusher...(the fans cheer.) Yes a fan favorite. Well... Lets talk about him shall we. He is appeantly a person that doesn't take anger realy well... Maybe he sould take something for that. He expects that, because he has the Mind in the wrestling business that he sould probably own it am i right. Well... Then he comes out here making a new match saying that we sould have a three-way match up. I agree with that. i will put my title on the line. One more thing i am going to put into it is that we are going to have a no DQ match with this. A three way no DQ match. that is the way i like it. So if you men are smart enought to come and face the champ bring it one.

So.. Now you probably think that wait how can Lost Soul do this. Have a title match and then also have a tag team champs match... then the rumble how can he do this. I genty you that i am in the best shape that i have ever been in my life, and that i am ready to take on everone in this fed at the same night if i have to. So I tell you this That in the three-way match blood is going to be sheed and i will come out the champion. The Tag match... All of the opponents will be died in the middle of the ring and me and Super Crash will have the Tag Team Belts. i have to get into the Tag Match don't i. Well... to tell all of the wrestlers who are in that. You are srowed. You have a fromer tag team champion That won the belts all by himself... you have a nother wrestler that can bet anyone at anytime... So it is pretty bleek for you wrestler that are trying to win. But i also tell you that you tag teams will fell the Bang of the Soul Reaver with Super Crash by my side.

Now on to the Rumble. The rumble has All of the wrestlers in it. Everone agnest the friends and foes. Now this is my kind of match. I am ready to Throw all of the wreslter out of the ring. I don't care what # i am. 1...2...69 it does not matter to me. I will still throw all of the wrestlers that i can out of that ring. And when it is all said and done there can be only one. Lost Soul standing in the ring. Will the TV title in one hand... TAg team belt in the othere... and a no1 contendership for the WTW heavy wieght Championship. WoW isn't it great to be me. And Stable WTW i have to tell you if you interfer in any of my match i genty you that i will hunt you down and destroy you.

(The crowd cheers and boos...cause some of the fans like him some of them hate him.)

Now That is all i have to say except that i am not the chosen one(the Ass, the chosen Ass) I do not go around and say that you will fell the break.(pause for dramatics cause i suck at rp so i have to do something).. of the Edgecrusher. By the way the only thing that you will be breaking Edgecrusher is stick and your own bones. Then only thing that i do is tell people the way it is and that is that all the people that i have talk about so far are on my hit list... and all of you because of that will fell the Bang of the Soul Reaver... and then it will be GAME OVER FOR YOU.. AND YOU WILL BURN IN HELL!!!!

(Lost Soul drops the mic and puts the tv belt around his waist and raises his hands in the air. The crowd Cheers his name...But what is going to happen when everone finds out that Lost Soul has not quite but has come back to kick some @ss in the WTW... Lost Soul goes to his Locker room to see what everone says about him so he can put some more peole on his hit list.)

Lost Soul

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