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Date Posted: 23:54:21 01/24/02 Thu
Appalachian Dazzling Dolls Pageant Productions
Proudly Presents
Springfest 2002
Date: Sunday April 28,2002
Place:Fugates Entertainment,Hazard,Ky.
Time:2P.M. (If your not on time you will not compete!)
Director:Tina Mullins P.O.Box 501 Betsy Layne,Ky.41605
Phone: (606)478-8462 Pager (606)616-2960
Attire:Formal -n-Springwear
This Pageant is full Glitz!!!
Beauty winners in each age division will receive a awesome
3ft. 2 posted marble trophy, Beautiful 3" crown, And title banner.All runners up will receive a beautiful 2ft. 2 posted custom marble trophy.
Springwear Winners in each age division will receive a nice trophy, and crown.
Optionals Best dressed, Prettiest eyes, Hair, Smile, And Photogenic winners will receive nice Crown and title Banner.
Grand Supreme
Winner will receive a beautiful 6ft. trophy, Awesome extra large Crown, And title Banner.
Mini Supreme
Winner will receive a beautiful 4ft. trophy,Beautiful Crown, And title Bannnr.
Winner will receive a beautiful 3ft.Custom trophy,Beautiful Crown, And title Banner.
Photogenic,Prettiest eyes,Hair,Smile,Model,Personality,Most Glamourous,Most Natural beauty,Living Doll,Most Adorable,Judges Favorite, And director choice. Winner of these overalls will receive a beautiful 1ft. angel trophy and title banner.
Door admission will be $6 Adults $3 Children Contestants free!
Remember to stay for our grand Pizza party after crowning.Modeling will be backwards T formation.Refer 3 new contestant enter entire pageant for free.
Formal,Springwear,Optionals $85.00 Overalls$35.00
You must enter all events to qualified for supreme titles!
Entrys received before Monday 22,2002 may enter supreme package for $110.00 All entrys after monday 22nd. Must pay full amount.Firsts 5 entrys received before 22nd will receive a awesome Appalachian Dazzling dolls award.
I agree to abide by all rules given that day.I understand no refunds will be given unless pageant is cancelled.I understand Tina Mullins and the Dazzling dolls staff and the building which the event is being held for injury,lost or stolen items .Before durning and after the pageant.I understand and display of poor sportsmanship I will have to leave the pageant without refund.I know the pageant is a sport for the children to enjoy.By signing this I agree of all the said above.Name________________Date________________
Sorry no checks will be excepted!!!
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