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Date Posted: 22:57:16 01/25/02 Fri
Author: Predator
In reply to: R V D w / B O L T 's message, "DEATH BEFORE TAP (to PREDATOR)" on 16:19:19 01/25/02 Fri

:lights go dark:
:red pyro blinds the crowd:
::look in my face step in my soul::

Predator: rvd, you said that exactly right, i will have to break ever bone in your body or even kill you, and i will like i always say i am the breaker of souls and bones and rvd saturday i will break you, you think that since you are the champion you are unstoppable, well ask snake what happens when people face the predator.....they get beat, i will not lose this match for 3 reasons, 1 i am the most dominate athlete to ever grace this federation, 2 i am the IC champion, and 3 i am superior better to you, i will destroy you and rip you apart until i slap on the PROWL and MAKE YOU SAY I QUIT and believe me rvd if it takes breaking your neck to do it i will without a problem, because there are 2 ways you will leave this match rvd, in a stretcher or in a body bag.....the choice is yours but you chose to fight the predator and maybe now i will decide for you, rvd saturday you are mine and i will break you just like i did to edge and just like i will do to the hardcore hell raisers, and after i get done with you it wont be a 5 on 5 match it will be a 5 on 4 match with rvd flat on his back in a hospital bed.....rvd your next i will break you

:throws mic at the announce table:

:lights go dark:
:red pyro blinds the crowd:
::look in my face step in my soul::

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