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Date Posted: 12:04:20 01/28/02 Mon
Author: R V D w/ Bolt
Subject: Title Defense (EVERYONE)

"nEE 4 X-trEE" breaks the silence of the night as Bolt makes way to the ring with a hoisted RVD up on his shoulders. RVD raising in each arm a belt, Hardcore in one, IC in the other.

A questionably disappointed Rob Van Dam is handed a mic.

RVD: I’ve got some things I wanna get off my chest, and first off, I would like to address the little title hungry Predator. Tough break. . . sorry things didn’t go exactly as you planned. So, you want a rematch? You want your title back. So, you want to weasel your way into a Deathmatch Title shot with Big Shot, a the Three Way Dance Hardcore Tag Match with Iwao, and even he wants a shot at Lightweight Title against Scotty in a Hardcore Match. . . Well, on my behalf, quite frankly, I don’t think you deserve it! Where I come from, things are earned, not given. So, my advice to you is to try winning a couple non-title matches, then if you’re successful, maybe you can go after something like the Lightweight Title, or maybe even the regular Tag Titles, something more around your level, until then, I want no part of you, and if you plan to make more sneak attacks on me, then try me. BREAK ME IF YOU CAN. Let’s face it. . . you’re just not Hardcore.
Now, as for my Hardcore Title defense is concerned, I just got done beating the so called baddest man around, and I MADE HIM TAP . . . and now only two days later, and I’m in another title defense, but this time even worse, it’s a 4-way with Snake, MadroX, and Billy Bob. I guess what I’m goin to do is to this time take out three others, unfortunately one even being from my own group, the most Hardcore around. The way I see it is: first I will continue my reign as the BEST DAMN HARDCORE CHAMPION OF ALL TIME, then I team up with my buddy Bolt here as we demolish Bret Fart and Val Penis along with the Predator and Iwao, and claim the undisputed Hardcore Tag Titles. COME TONIGHT, YOU WILL FIND OUT WHY THEY CALL ME THE WHOLE DAMN SHOW, “MR. MONDAY NIGHT!”

Bolt snatches the mic from RVD.

Bolt: Who cares . . . cause the fact `n the matter is this: COME TONIGHT YOU WILL FIND OUT WHY THEY CALL ME THE MOST TECHNICAL WRESTLER EVER . . . ever . . . , “THE DARK CRIPPLER.”

RVD smirks as he acknowledges his fellow Hell Raising partner.

The two walk out to “nEE 4 X-trEE” disappearing through the curtains, as they enter the Hardcore Hell Raiserz locker room, awaiting their matches.

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