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Date Posted: 14:56:23 01/28/02 Mon
Author: Sean McCullough CO-OWNER
Subject: Monday Night Mutiny Results


*Monday Night Mutiny Results*

Triple Threat
World Championship Match
Snake vs. Nighthawk vs. Bret Hart

The Match begins with Snake running to Nighthawk and spearing him. Then Bret Hart comes behind Snake and does the spinning neck breaker on him. Bret Hart then starts stomping on Snake and then goes for the Sharp Shooter, but Snake then kicks Bret Hart in the face to get out of the hold. While Nighthawk is still suffering from the spear, Snake picks him up and does a DDT on him. Nighthawk tries to get up until Bret Hart comes and starts punching him. Bret hart then hits a chop on Nighthawk and Snake comes and grabs Bret Hart from behind. Bret Hart then low blows Snake and Snake falls to the mat. Bret Hart than picks up Snakes legs and hits the sharp shooter on him. Then Nighthawk comes up behind Bret Hart and kicks him so he stops the sharp shooter. While Bret is still suffering from the kick, Nighthawk hits the final cut on Bret and goes for the pin. 1…..2…..KICK OUT!!!!!!!!!!! Nighthawk can’t believe that the final cut didn’t do it. Snake, recovering from the Sharp Shooter gets on the top rope he then jumps off at Nighthawk and hits the cross body! Bret Hart still suffering from the Harsh Final Cut Snake goes for the 1…..2…..3!!!!! Snake is the new World Champion!!
Winner: Snake

Surprise rematch
Flaming tables Match
Scotty too Hotty vs. Iwao
Light Heavyweight Championship

Scotty enters the ring with a table and lights it on fire he takes a Mic from Lilian and begins to talk.

S2H: Come on Iwao I want a rematch! Come on I’m callin’ you out.

Iwao comes out to the ring and grabs the Mic from Scotty.

Iwao: You’ve got your rematch all right and one more thing you better kiss that damn belt good bye.

Since Iwao is standing by the ropes Scotty runs at the ropes and hits a bulldog on Iwao and than The Worm! Scotty than picks up Iwao and puts him on the turnbuckle than Scotty gets on it too and does a Superplex right through the flaming table! Firemen run out to the ring and put out the fire and run backstage.
Winner: Scotty too Hotty

I Quit Tag Team match
Tag Team Championship
Snake & Sean vs. HHH & SCSA

The match begins when Sean takes a Mic from Lilian and begins to talk.
Sean: First I’d like to congratulate Snake for his win for the World Championship! Now common HHH & SCSA get out here!
HHH’s music plays and HHH walks to the top of the ramp. He begins to talk.
HHH: Um.. Sean? Austin isn’t here and I cant wrestle against you guys alone so.. I Quit!

Sean and Snake take the titles and leave the ring. Sean and Snake are the new Tag Team Champs!
Winners: Sean & Snake

Hardcore tag team match
Hardcore Tag team Championship
Val Venis and Bret Hart vs. RVD & Bolt

Hello Ladies! Hits and Val does his thing to the ring. Than he does the grind and takes off the towel.

RVD & Bolt (all ready in the ring) take a Mic and begin to talk.
RVD: Val, where’s your partner?
Val: He’ll be here just wait!
RVD: We don’t have all night!

*Bret Hart’s Face comes on the titantron and he begins to talk.

Hart: Sorry Val we are gonna have to forfeit the titles I’m too hurt to fight!
Val: What the Hell?
RVD: All right Bolt lets get out of here!
Winners: RVD and Bolt


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