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Date Posted: 10:33:32 01/29/02 Tue
Author: Hardcore Hell Raiserz Locker Room
Subject: to the |)3@|) rn/-\|\| \/\/@|_ |< ! |\|

Michael Cole approaches the Hardcore Hell Raiser’s Locker room, to do an interview with Snake and is just about to knock on the door when it opens. He then looks up to find a 6'6" 337 pound mammoth with a Hardcore Tag Title around his waist looking strait down at him. Rob Van Dam is then heard in the background saying "Who is it!?!" Eyes wide open, shivering in fear, he drops the microphone and takes off like a black man robbing a bank.

: : Crowd laughs : :

Bolt, at the doorway of the locker room remains to stands there. RVD comes up from behind him holding a title over each shoulder and another around his waist.

RVD: Yo man, whas`sup Bolt ?

Bolt: You smell that ?

RVD: Smell what ?

Bolt: That !

: : Bolt looks up, shuts his eyes, and sniffs the air : :

RVD: Oh yeeeah, I smell it. Smells like fish.

Bolt: No, not that . . . that.

RVD: Oh yeah, you're right, it smells like 'taker in here.

: : Crowd laughs again : :

RVD: Yeah, where is that bastard anyway ?

Bolt: I donno, but I heard he was punk'in you out earlier though. Yeah, he said he wants a piece of you.

RVD: Where’s he now ?

Bolt: He took off on his bike.

RVD: Oh damn, I was really lookin` forward ta beat’in the hell outta him too. Well anyway, I still got a little score ta settle wit Iwao, Predator, and a bunch of other guys, so do ya think ya do me a little favor ‘nd take care of’um for me, `till I get done with those guys.

Bolt: Yeah sure, no problem. Should I cripple’em ?

RVD: Naww, not yet, I still wanna get a piece a him, besides . . . he hasn’t really done much of anything yet, other then try`in ta punk us out, like you said.

Bolt: Yeah, I guess you’re right.

: : Scotty 2 Hotty’s voice is then heard coming form inside the locker room : :

Scotty: Hey guys ! Could ya come in here for a sec ? ! ?

RVD: Yeah, ll’be right there !

Scotty: Aright ! ! !

RVD: So you got this all under control ?

Bolt: Yep, totally.

RVD: Alight. thanks man. I owe ya one.

Scotty: What the hell are you guys doin` out there ! ? !

Bolt: Shut up for cris’sake ! We’re com’in !

RVD: Let’s see what he wants.

: : RVD and Bolt go back into the locker room, and as the door shuts, the camera zooms in on the “Hardcore Hell Raisers” sign on it before going back to the ring : :

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