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Date Posted: 18:19:44 01/29/02 Tue
Author: the Triple Champ R - V - D ' s Challenge
Subject: Time to Raise some Hell ! ! ! (ALL WRESTLERS & STEPHEN)

: : RVD heads to the ring as usual, all three titles in hand. : :

RVD: Well it seems to me that everybody around here either wants a piece of me, a title shot, or both. Well, in that case, it's time to get Hardcore ! ! ! But first, anyone who says they want a shot at any of my titles, PROVE YOU DESERVE IT! Beat an opponent, (anyone of your choosing) and you got it! This goes for my whole hit list:

The One...
The Brookln Brawler...
Bo-Bo the Clown!!!
or even that little guy with the most annoying voice in the world, with the squinty Chinese eyes and curly plastered hair, who always plays as those god damn cartoon characters. . . Gilllll-bert Goddddd-frey !

. . . so Stephen Sherrard, I, the WWB's only Triple Champion ever, wants all my all my upcoming title matches for this Thursday CANCELED until I see some half-decent talent around here. So it's that simple, beat your next opponent and you've got it! Any title of mine you want, you got your match! Make it Hardcore . . . Make it Any Title . . . Make it Game Time . . .

: : RVD goes back to the locker room waiting for challenger replies : :

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