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Date Posted: 17:17:40 01/30/02 Wed
Author: BoLT & Mr. Pay-Per-View Himself

: : The lights grow dark, and moments later a streak of lightening strikes the ramp followed by a thunderous Boom. When the smoke finally clears Bolt is left standing there, Hardcore Tag Title around his waist, and "nEE 4 X-trEE" playing. He enters the ring and is handed a mic. : :

Bolt: Hey Punisher ! You think that was something ? ? ? You call that a beating ? ? ? Then you just wait 'till this Monday Night . . . Mutiny . . . 6-Man Tag . . . Why don't we make it Survival Rulez ? ? ? If someone on your team TAPS OUT, or IS PINNED, THEY GO BACK TO THE LOCKER ROOM AND WATCH THE REST OF THE MATCH . . . IT'S THAT SIMPLE . . . and THE LAST TEAM REMAINING BRINGS HOME THE GOLD ! What da ya . . .

: : Bolt it cut off by an interruption on the titontron. The Punisher is seen standing over a mass destruction of body and tables when out of nowhere RVD comes up from behind him and Punisher turns around, but only to get a chair thrown in his face. He catches the chair. RVD jumps up, WHAM!!! VANDAMINATOR! Right in the face! Punisher is then laid out on the ground. RVD places the chair on his stomach, and takes a few steps back. Up and over, WHAM! ROLLING THUNDER!!! : :

: : Camera's go back to the ring : :

Bolt: WoW ! What a "SHOCK" that was !

: : Camera's go to the back : :

: : RVD helps Snake to his feet : :

RVD: You okay ?

Snake: Ahh! Damn Son of a Bitch. Err, uhh . . . yeah, I think I'll be alright.

: : Bolt heads to the back, and hurries to the scene. Bolt and RVD each put a arm of Snake's around their neck as they carry him back to the Hell Raiserz locker room, leaving Punisher lying there a bloody mess. : :

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