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Date Posted: 16:51:02 02/04/02 Mon
Author: Bret Hart
Subject: I will beat Snake!!

"Excellence" hits the PA system as Bret Hart and his Tag partner Val Venis walk out to the top of the ramp.Val is wearing his wresling tights and Bret is wearing his wrestling tights with a Black Leather jacket on also.He is also wearing his purple sunglasses and his World Title belt around his shoulder.Val and Bret then walk down the ramp and Val slides in the ring as Bret goes around the ring and slaps the fans hands.Bret then stops at one fan and puts his glasses on the fans head and everybody cheers wildly as Bret slides in the ring with Val.Bret then calls for a microphone and a ringside worker hands Bret the microphone through the ropes.Bret then lifts it to his mouth and begins to speak.

Bret-"Well,Well,Well,It looks like Snake thinks that he was screwed?Well he should be happy that I did not break his leg!He should be happy because he gets another chance at this title.And well I am also happy that he got another chance,because now I have another chance to break his leg!Actually I am very very happy ABOUT Thursday Night Torment because not only do I defend my World Title belt but Val and I also defend the Hardcore Tag Titles,Which are our belts because the Tag belts were taken from us.Anyway on Thursday,Snake you better be ready because I am going to put The Sharpshooter on and all you will be ablle to do is tap!But before you get to have your title match Snake you will be in a match with us The Executioners of Excellence and your partner will be RVD.RVD himself will be your partner so tell RVD that he better be ready too because we are The Executioners of Excellence!"

Bret then hands the microphone to Val and Val lifts the microphone to his mouth and begins to talk

Val Venis-"Yes,Snake and RVD,Bret is exactly right....You better be ready because it will not be easy to beat us.I WILL make sure tht I hit The Money Shot on one of you stupid bastards,either RVD or Snake one of you will be Exicuted...........with excellence!!!!!!!"

Venis then drops the microphone and Bret and Val then get out of the ring and walk up the ramp while the fans are cheering and "Excellence" is blairing on the PA system

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