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Date Posted: 16:49:18 02/05/02 Tue
Author: Predator
Subject: Predator (EVERYONE READ)

:lights go dark:
:red pyro blinds the crowd:
::look in my face step in my soul i begin to stupify::

JR: Great god almighty the Predator is back!
King: JR hide me!

:predator walks down to the ring with his IC and Hardcore championship belts on each of his shoulders:

Predator: Listen the F#ck up! i have been gone for a while now and i see some stuff that i dont like, first of all, nWo you think that you can come into this federation and do anything you want, well i got some news for you, it wont wont, you havent seen me yet and you should be glad I AM THE MOST VICIOUS ATHLETE THAT THE WORLD HAS SEEN, and now your my priority, i will f#ck you up so bad and rip your @ss apart! so nWo F#ck you f#ggots now IT BEGINS, secondly, RVD i hear that you and nighthawk are beginning to start your own g#y @ss federation? (starts to laugh) well you claim that it is doing so well, THEN WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO RECRUIT FROM HERE? looks like your "36 active rpers" are nothing more than choir boys that need to get the predators fat D#CK up their holes! you WERE the champ RVD you WERE the champ nighthawk and now YOUR NOTHING, well i take that back, your FLAMERS! third, team canada, what the hell are you thinking! do you realize how degrading it is to be from canada!

:the canada nation anthem starts to play as the crowd laughs, Predator then starts to sing O, CANADA but breaks into laughter:

Predator: val F#cking P3nis, you want to challenge me for the title, you got it, i will rip you apart limb from limb and then when its all said and done and the crowd has left you will still be in the ring tapping out to the PROWL, because i am the most vicious athlete EVER, i will destroy each and every one of my competitors and I WILL still be the IC and HARDCORE champ, and val you should start looking for a job, because after our match, sherrard will say those lovely words......YOUR FIRED!

JR: WOW Predator has come back with a vengenace folks we heard it from the champion himself!

King: i wouldnt want to be in the ring with him anytime soon

:predator throws the mic at the crowd and puts his two championships on his shoulders and walks back to the locker room:

:lights go dark:
:red pyro blinds the crowd:
::look in my face step in my soul i begin to stupify::

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