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Date Posted: 13:52:04 02/07/02 Thu
Author: Stephen Sherrard
Subject: Torment Results

Thursday Night Torment

Match 1:Nash & Taker vs. Scotty 2 Hotty & Big Shot

All of the wrestlers are in the ring when a video comes on and it shows Sean out cold in the back.A normal ref will be used for this match.Nash then throws s2h over the top rope and then throws Shot at the ropes Taker then turns around abnd BAM!Taker and Nash hit the Double Chokeslam.Taker then gets out of the ring and gets a chair while inside the ring Nash hits the Big Boot on Big Shot.Taker then throws Scotty 2 Hotty into the steps and slides in the ring with the chair.Taker then waits for Big Shot to get up....BAM!!!!!!Taker nails Nash with the chair and turns on his partner!!!!!!!!!!!Scotty then slides in the ring and hits the W-O-R-M and goes for the pin "1.....2.....3"
Winners:Scotty 2 Hotty & Big Shot

Match 2:Snake vs. Punisher,Ladder Match Title

Punisher is in the ring when Snake runs to the rinfg with a ladder.Snake then throws the ladder through the ropes and hits Punisher in the face!Snake then slides in the ring and hits a bulldog on the ladder and sets up the ladder.Punisher then gets up and sees that Snake is almost at the top of the ladder so Punisher throws the ref out of the ring!Snake then gets to the top of the ladder and pulls off the belt but the ref is out on the outside!As Snake gets down, Punisher hits the Chokeslam and goes to wake up the ref.Puisher has his back turner when Snake runs up with the belt and nails Punisher in the back of the head to knock him out!The ref then sees Snake with the belt and your Fist Ladder Champ...Snake

Match 3:Bret and Val Venis vs. RVD & Snake,Hardcore Tag Titles
Val low-Blows RVD and throws him over the top-rope,Val then punches Snake and Bret hits a Backbreaker on Snake after Val kicks him.Bret then hits a piledriver on Snake and Val gets on the top rope but RVD pushes him off as Bret locks on the SharpShooter.Snake is about to tap when RVD dropkicks Bret in the back of the head and Snake and RVD get on opposite corners.Then BAM!!!!!!!They hit the 10 Star Frog Splash on Bret(When both Snake and RVD hit 5 star frog splashes at the same time)RVD then goes for the cover"1.....2.....3"
Winners:RVD & Snake

Match 4:Hardcore Title Match,Predator vs. RVD
Predator runs through the crowd and jumps RVD from behind and then piledrives him.Predator then hits the Spinning Bandal Chaggi and then locks on the Prowl and RVD taps out

Match 5:Predator vs. Punisher,2 out of 3 Flaming Tables Match
Punisher gets in the ring and kicks Predator and then gos on the outside and gets 2 tables.He then gets back in but Predator is ready and he hits the Spinning Bandal Chaggi on Punisher and then puts a table in the corner and lights it on fire!He then is low-blowed by Punisher and Punisher throws Predator into the table but he reverses it and Punisher goes through the Flaming Table!Punisher then gets up and DDTs Predator.Predator then gets up and tackles Punisher and locks on the Prowl.Predator then remembers tht to win he must put Punisher through a table.Punisher then sets up a table in the corner and hits Predator in the head with the chair.Punisher then grabs Predator and tries to hit a DDT but Predator reverses it and spears Punisher through the other Flaaming Table to win the match!!

Match 6:Bret Hart vs. Snake
Val Venis and RVD then come out and get in the ring first.Bret Hart and then Snake both walk to the ring and ther bell rings.Snake then kicks Bret and throws him in the corner and then takes him on the top rope and hits the super plex and goes for the pin "1.....2...."Val then throws RVD over the top rope rope before the 3 count!Bret then gets up and goes back to the corner with Snake,Snake then low-Blows Bret and hits a Spinning DDT.He then tries to pin him but Val Venis grabs Snake and hits the DDT and then hits the Money Shot and Bret goes for the pin "1.....2...."RVD kicks Val and puts him him on the ropes and then RVD gets a chair and throws it to Val,Val catches tyhe chair and BAM! RVD hits the Van Daminator and then gives the chair the Snake.As Bret Hart is getting up he low blows Snake and takes Snakes chair.Snake then kicks Bret in the gut and hits a DDT.Snake then goes to the top rope.He is about to go for the 5-Star-Frog-Splash when Bret runs up and BAM!Hits Snake in the knee with the chair and Snake falls down holding his knee.A normal ref then runs to the ring as Bret Hart locks on The SharpShooter and Snake taps!
Winner:Bret Hart

Bret,Val,RVD and Snake leave as "This is Extreme" hits the pa system as Stephen Sherrard walks out on the stage.
He then takes off the jacket he is wearing and he is wearing a uWa t-shirt with a big X over the uWa logo

Sherrard-"We will invade the uWa and we will have WAR!!!!!!!!!!This Friday we will invade so do not RP untill Saturday because we are going to invade on the Friday Show...We will still run our own site after the invasion...We are a team so we will not fight each other BUT DO NOT RP in there fed untill Saturday or you will ruin the suprise.If you RP before Saturday then you will be FIRED automaticly"

He then drops the microphone and the show ends

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