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Date Posted: 13:52:25 02/07/02 Thu
Author: The Man is Back N You Can Bet Your Ass There's Hell ta Pay!
Subject: A Month's Worth of Returning Rage

: : The Whole Damn Show is about to make the biggest return in WWB history. "The Whole Fuckin` Show" hits the speakers, booming through the arena for the first time in a long while. Van Dam breaks through the curtains and appears before the crowd. The crowd going wild, a camera gets a shot of one of the many RVD sign in the audience, and then another. RVD pauses at the top of the ramp for a short time proceeding. Once in the ring He goes strait for a microphone. : :

RVD: ...

: : Crowd chants "R-V-D" : :

RVD: For those of you who don't remember who I am, I am the The WHOLE DAMN Show . . . and you can bet your ass I'm back!!!

: : The crowd erupts, all standing on their feet : :

RVD: Now, I've got alot ta say, but first things first... the nWo. THE NWO! Who in the blue hell do you ass clowns think you are!?! And I hear some Nash guy saying he has plans to join the most elite group around, the HARDCORE HELL RAISERZ? Hell, what is on your mind boy??? You spell our name wrong, not once but twice, and still don't know how ta spell it? It's not really that difficult...THE H-A-R-D-C-O-R-E H-E-L-L R-A-I-S-E-R-Z. ...and as for joining...it's not gonna be that easy, so you might be working you way up the wrong ally, tough guy... ...now for where I left off... PREDATOR!!! How do you even think for a split second that you have anything over me, or for the least part, those straps you're wearing around your pathetic waist??? Have you ever beaten me? Have you ever earned you self either one of those titles? Are you worthy???

: : Makes a few paces around the ring. : :

RVD: Face it Predator! I'm better than you!

: : Cooling down now... : :

RVD: ...so Sherrard... or is it Shereard??? or Sharrerd??? ...damn, shoulda known some people around here are just a lil` slow. I want it just how I had it...Hardcore Title...Intercontinental Title...Tag Hardcore Title...Predator...Nash...Taker...

Bring it all Sherrard...
Bring it all...

: : RVD is just about to head to the back when he is startled. : :

...ZIpppppp...CraCK!!! BoooOOM!!! A huge strike of lightening hits the walkway... and out walks the Dark Crippler to "nEE 4 X-trEE", mic already in hand...

Bolt: I'm back... You're back... Hardcore Titles are commin back... HellraisaZ are back... Destruction is now... and WhooooooOOOOOOO THE TIME IS NOW!!! Time ta kick some ass WhhhoooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

: : A pumped Bolt is joined up by RVD and TOGETHER they walk back to the HARDCORE HELL RAISERZ locker room with the Hell Raiserz Theme Song "nEE 4 X-trEE" playing in the distant background. : :

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