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Date Posted: 10:28:32 02/10/02 Sun
Author: to Predator and RVD(Kevin NAsh)
Subject: Re: Predator
In reply to: Predator 's message, "Kevin Nash" on 09:29:38 02/10/02 Sun


::The lights dim,Mudvanye's dig comes on the PA system,red and black pyros go off as Kevin Nash walks out with a bat and a bottle of VODKA in his hand and he walks dowen to the ring,climbs throw thee ropes and walks over to the ring anouncer and grabs the mic from him and starts to look all over the arena that the signs say:Kevin Nash 4EVER and nWo 4 EVER.Then he starts to talk::

----KeViN nAsH----

Predator.....you think that your going to beat me?(laughs)Why the hell do you think that?I could kick your nasty gay stupid a** when i fight you for your hardcore belt.So why are you even trying to say that you will beat me?Oh and by the way.....YOUR THE F#GGOT!

I want to knwo one thing,Sherrard why are you saying that nWo isnt over?Because you said that about 4 days ago but i think nWo is over so i dont know what you mean.

Also I have som=ething to say about a some wrestler that i think that is the best damn wrestler ever and that person is.....ROB-VAN-DAM!Yes you heard me ROB-VAN-DAM,the reason that i said hoim is because he is the most best technical wrestler ive ever seen wrestle.So R-V-D if you would like this invatation to join my stable nWo since its not over please join and we could rule this fed if we join together.

So thats what i have to say to you guys ....BUT!I have one more thing to say,who the hell attacked me when i was leaving?I want a answer and i want it now!So if you would come down here you cowards that attacked me i would love to beat the sh!t out of you!


::The lights dim and Kevin nash walks out of the rope and looks around for the pussy's that attacked him 4 days ago but they dont come out and he grabs his bat and his VODKA takes a swig aof the VODKA and chucks the bottle in the air and hits it with the bat and it breaks and all of the VODKA goes into the crowd and then he hugs some hot chick and walks up the ramp to the back to his locker room::

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