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Date Posted: 14:29:57 05/06/02 Mon
Author: Lara
Author Host/IP: dhcp170-64-151-24.nt01-c4.cpe.charter-ne.com /
Subject: Opinions...
In reply to: Heather 's message, "Natalie>" on 14:20:35 05/06/02 Mon

I really don't like to be harsh (lol...it isn't in my nature)...but I do agree with Heather. After finding out she was banished Spectre's player rejoined as another mare (claiming to be her sister). I would say go right ahead and do this but I find it quite coincidental that the MINUTE we banned her, her 'sister' joined as a new mare (not to mention the same EXACT RPGing style). Heather has given her NUMEROUS warnings, asking her to improve her style (learning from others is a WONDERFUL thing)...yet, she just never improved at all. And, another thing to point out is that she wasn't very active...Spectre would claim mares (I was one of them a LONG time ago) and he would then leave for like a few weeks. The minute one of you would put his terra up for claim he would 'come back' and reclaim it...only to be gone for another extended period. I am trying to be just in such a case (banishment is not my favorite thing to do---believe me, I've had to do it)...but I just don't understand why we should allow her to stay and 'burden' the intermediate/advanced players with her presence and inseccant inactiveness. There...lol...I've said it...it lays in your hands Natalie...whatever your choice, I know it will be for the best, and I will remain behind you :)

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