On 21 March 2014 several dog catchers of the local authority for stray dogs management ASPA abused and illegally took 18 dogs treated by the international animal welfare organisation FOUR PAWS. They broke the lock of the entrance, took the dogs and vandalized the post-operation paddocks of FOUR PAWS veterinary clinic in 6th District of Bucharest. According to several eye witnesses, at least four dogs died on the spot because of the brutal handling.
Call on Prime Minister Victor Ponta to quash the law which allows the mass killing of stray dogs!
Almost 200 000 people from all over the world have already signed the petition. Also many people from the USA.
Beware: The video of the assault shows the cruelty of the dog-catchers. It's hard to bear seeing these poor animals suffer.
Please sign the petition!
I hope it is okay that I post this on a Brad Pitt board. But it is unbearable for me to see people treating animals so badly.
And please forward this petition to all the people you know. We can't have enough signatures!