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Date Posted: 23:05:11 12/29/13 Sun
Author: Knut Holt
Subject: Are Hollywood Enfineering Teen Celebrities

Does Hollywood Engineer Teen Celebrities
By Knut Holt

When looking at celebrities like Britney Spears, Justin Bieber and other similar that were detected by Hollywood managers at an early life, one can observe the following:

- They show a ceratin charm but their charm is strictly standardized.
- They are nice looking, but seldome real beauties.
- They have a vey standard face and body, exceopt that they use to be very slim.
- They have a prepubertal body shape, voice and appearance.
- They do not show any grat creativity. They might have it, but it is not used at stage.
- Their songs and artistic performances look engineered and according to a strict cultural standard.
- Their performances seems to be engineered in such a way that they trigger certain simple psychological mechanisms in a young audience.
- They generally look and perform as if they are drugged or hypnotized.
- They generally look and perform in a way that trigger a certain very controlled and standardizes sexual responce in the autience.

This makes it naturlly to question if Hollywood have a practice of engineering young performersin order to use them as a tool to exploit a young audience, and that the engineering is performed this way:

- They look for young people that have a cartain talent, have a standard body and face, look moderately well, have a cartain charm, but are not eccelent in any way and generally lack great creativity.
- They set them on drugs to postpone their pubertal development so that they look like prepubertal boys or girls many years.
- They set them on drugs and hypnotize them to make them behave in a standardized and prepubertal way.
- They even let the young person go through surgery in their genitals to stop or reduce their pubertal development and growth.
- They engineer simple songs and performances for them with strictlyc ontrolled elements that they know have a psychological hypnotic and attractive impact on a teenage public.
- They produce a history of how the artist was detected that may contain some true elements, but that mostly is fictive.
- They manage all aspects of their personal life and daily schedule.

In some instances it also looks like the parents of a child has sold the child to the Hollywood artist industry to let they engineer a strictly controlled artist of him or her. In those cases it seem that teh child from a very early age is subjected to drugs, surgeries, training and psychological manipulations to produce the engineered artist.

Such behavioral engineering is never perfect, and at some stage one must expect the young people to try to brake away from it. This is also exactly what one can see when they get around 18-20 years old.

Most of these artists will at some point begin to behave according to their own will, but in a bizzarre way, making people ask if they are psychologically sane, and steadily make embarrassing situations.

Knut Holt

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