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Date Posted: 20:31:25 07/27/02 Sat
Author: Tiny Ghost?
Subject: The strangest thing were the eyes....
In reply to: The Renegade/Captain Ein 's message, "The great battleship drew closer to the jump ports" on 15:42:19 06/27/02 Thu

...the way they narrowed and locked on Ein's own. There was an understanding there, an intelligence which seemed to exceed the owner of those eyes. Because those were the eyes of an infant.

None of the other Renegade crew seemed to notice the apparation. It was not an unheard of phenomena for individuals to see things that weren't there while travelling via wormhole, corridor, portal, nullspace or other means that involved bending or breaking certain laws of physics. The ship had soared through the portal and was safely on its way without incident, but now there was a glowing baby hovering before the captain, a child only he seemed to see.

It was a human baby, small and wet, only a few wisps of reddish brown hair decorating its head. Its nose was still forming and had not dropped down yet, and its lips were set in a firm and altogether too serious expression for one so young. But the brown, piercing eyes seemed to bore into Ein and through him, as though this infant understood all that it surveyed, and made mental notes for future reference. Ein blinked once and the apparition was gone as quickly as it had appeared.

A delusion? A side effect of the jump port? Or some ominous portent of things to come? Captain Ein couldn't be one hundred percent certain what it meant, and the decision to share the experience with Thrasher, Chilly or the others would rest solely on his shoulders....

"Some things have to be believed to be seen."
-Ralph Hodgson on ESP

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